Tag Archive | Weight Management

10 health Benefits of Virgin Coconut Oil

Finally pretty much everybody is on the Coconut Oil bandwagon.

It is so good for you.

It can replace so many commercially produced and modified fats in our diets.

It truly helps the body function better and leads to better health in every area.

I love cooking with it as it handles heat very well. It adds a creaminess flavor-wise but very little is absorbed into the foods cooked in it.  It adds a golden brown finish to fried veggies like mushrooms without burning them. It does not interfere with the flavor of foods any more than butter does.

It is the perfect Stir-Fry Oil as a little goes a long way.

I love to have Coconut & G rapeseed Oil as well as natural Butter in my kitchen for cooking.

I love to have Coconut Oil in my home for all of its other uses. My favorite is adding 1/4 teaspoon in my bath for the last few minutes as it is a great skin softener and is very nourishing for the hair.

For a bigger picture of Coconut Oil, please take a look at some of my previous blogs on this topic.

Thanks to Positive Med for finding this great poster.

A Dozen Reasons to Eat Eggs – A Natural GOOD FOR YOU Food!

Eggcetera - Egg Facts, Egg Information, Egg Nutrition, Egg Benefits, Egg Health

A quick note from the poster.

In my research, I have found eggs to be one of natures greatest gifts. Do not be afraid to make them a much larger part of your diet. Soon you will be seeing a number of papers indicating blood cholesterol levels are in no way related to heart disease and are not a predictor of heart disease.

Blood cholesterol is in fact an indication of what you have eaten in the past 72 hours that has not been used or eliminated from the body. The same researchers will be recommending the use of far more natural fats such as coconut oil and eggs as the body uses what it needs and far more readily eliminates the excess taking with it accumulated toxins.

Good Cholesterol/ Bad Cholesterol ratios are very important indicators about your current diet so do pay attention.

Plaque formation in the blood vessels is a result of injury or insult usually as a result of inflammation caused by white refined sugars and flours in our diets. Plaque is the band-aid your body applies to the injured area.

Our bodies and brains could not function without good cholesterol and actually function far better when supplied with natural unprocessed fats. 100 years ago heart disease was almost non-existent. Processed foods were also almost non-existent.

Personally. I try to but farm fresh eggs from free range chickens – they are even more nutritious!

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