My Oxygen Spa, My Favorite Thing!

The past year has been very intense for everyone. Through out it, my Oxygen Spa has kept me healthy and sane. No easy task I assure you.

The year started on the road home from Tennessee, where an extended family member had passed, leaving  behind his only child and his only grand child, due to terminal cancer, just before Christmas.

A year ago yesterday, we crossed the the Mississippi river. My grandson loves the Gateway Arch in St.Louis and seeing it was the highlight of his day. Seeing a huge flock of wild turkeys and telling Great Grandma Joyce all about both, in a call that day, on the road, came in a close second.

It is heart rending to see what they are being challenged with in that  area today with the flood water.

The sudden loss of my mom (Great Grandma) and a cousin a day apart early in the year prepared me to be there for others in my life who have had some pretty huge challenges come their way this year.

Cancer, depression, anxiety, illness, death and job losses have stressed even the most resilient. I for one, am happy to say goodbye to  2015. Much of my year has been spent helping others make it through their tough times too.

I am very grateful to have been able to make their loads more bearable. My bank account however would have preferred that I had been occupied with more financially rewarding use of my time. When all is said and done, we are still far more fortunate than so many.  We were able to give gifts to all of those who form the fabric of our lives on a daily basis.

There were a few human angels along the way this year, who seemed to drop small financial gifts into my world at just the right moment.

It was almost like the universe put on astonishing sales just for me or  other amazing situations that allowed us to give the perfect gift that truly touched the recipient this Christmas.

I may sound crazy to some but when you let go and let god, pretty wonderful people, situations and opportunities arrive in your life.

The Oxygen Spa happened into my life by a pretty amazing set of coincidences one day, within just hours of asking the universe to show me a simple way to help others to help themselves to better health.

Very interestingly, the last few weeks have seen me working with someone on a project that may result in some very deserving groups having the Oxygen Spa improve their quality of life as much as it has mine.

Should that come to pass, I will be one of the fortunate ones, who have the joy of touching many lives directly and indirectly in a very positive way.  How can life get any better than that.

When the Oxygen Spa came into my life, I was was eating a bottle of extra strength Advil Liquid Gels a week. Growing up as a tomboy, I had crushed 3 of my vertebra. Working on computer many hours a day as an adult in very constant high stress, mentally demanding jobs had created very significant rotator cuff damage from repetitive movements. I could not handle the  back pain of traipsing around doing weekly shopping for more than 2 hours on those cement floors without ending up in extreme agony.

My first Oxygen Spa experience allowed me to be able to sleep for 8 hours straight, for the first time in many years. Waking up without a blinding headache and no back pain or stiffness the next morning was manna from heaven. Being able to hold my morning coffee in my right hand without my shoulder giving me grief was sheer bliss.

A year later, I was doing 10 day trade shows in convention halls for 12 hours straight without needing a single pain killer.

Oprah has her favorite things, I have my favorite thing, my SG 2000.

For more info, visit my very outdated website after viewing this informative video from Asia.

Wishing everyone a phenomenal 2016!

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