Archive | January 2014


 THE MASTER CLEANSE – Instructions

 THE MASTER CLEANSE – One of the best things you can do for your body mind and spirit. Here is the link to the complete instructions.

It can be challenging to follow but well worth any discomfort. When you stick with the cleanse, your energy levels will skyrocket, Your whole body functions better. You will feel happier and sleep better.

Great to dissolve gallstones, detoxify the body and loose weight. Also reduces cravings to a huge degree.

I find that if I allow myself a bit of clear vegetable broth everyday for the first week, I am more successful in doing a 2 or 3 week cleanse.

Enjoy getting clean from the inside out and enjoy how great you feel at the end of the cleanse’


Save Money & Avoid Toxins – 72 Uses For Simple Household Products

Save Money & Avoid Toxins – 72 Uses For Simple Household Products

By Cortney Harden
April 5, 2013 2:53 AM EDT

Limiting the amount of products you bring into your home will not only cut down on costs at the grocery store but will keep you and your family healthier. Below is a list of some common uses for seven household products. Add some drops of essentials oils like lavender, rose, or sweet orange to any of them for extra pleasure!

Here are a few more tips to help you go green and save money!

  • Cut up old bath towels. Reuse these as rags for cleaning your house rather than paper towels, which are expensive and contribute to 3,000 pounds of waste in landfills each day.
  • When you grocery shop, leave your list at home. Instead, fill your basket with local, seasonal, and organic items that are on sale that week. Once you have your fruits and veggies, you can start to plan what other items you might need for the week.
  • Stock up on staples when they are on sale. Some ideas: look for jars of organic pasta sauce, condiments, and, frozen organic veggies or fruit.
  • Purchase things in bulk like quinoa, granola, beans, nuts, seeds, and dried herbs.
  • Cook up large pots of grains and beans then divvy them up smaller portions to freeze for later meals.. Staples that work well: quinoa, brown rice, black beans, and kidney beans.
  • Prep veggies on Sundays. You can wash, chop, blanch or steam them.
  • Invest in a high quality blender. This will allow you to make your own nut butters, almond milk, oat flour, soups, dips, and smoothies.  Choose one with at least a 5 year warranty.
  • Limit the amount of beauty products you use daily. Keep your routine simple!

 Photo Credit:


Thank You to Cortney Harden and for this post.

Individual actions  may not seems like much but when you add together multiple small actions they are greater than the sum of the parts.

I like to buy in bulk, it saves time and money plus expands your menu choices. I also like to cook larger quantities and freeze in smaller portions. This makes it quicker and easier to always be able to throw together a great meal at a moments notice. It also saves time and electricity.

When you create home care solutions, you know exactly what they contain, the same goes for meals prepared from scratch. You end up with cost-effective solutions that save money, time and cut the amount of toxins in your living space and your diet.

A really excellent investment is a compact deep freeze. The savings in time and money far outweigh the minimal amount the additional minor electrical costs.

Our son was very high level ADHD. Food additives as well as chemicals found around the home significantly affected both his behaviors and ability to learn. We saw significant improvement at home and at school by implementing these changes like those suggested in this post.****

Research Proves When You Change Your Thoughts With Meditation, You Change Your DNA and Your Health, You Become a Healthier You

Research Proves When You Change Your Thoughts With Meditation, You Change Your DNA and Your Health, You Become a Healthier You

Researchers Finally Show How Mindfulness and Your Thoughts Can Induce Specific Molecular Changes To Your Genes

Source: Waking Times – 12/05/13, Michael Forrester

With evidence growing that training the mind or inducing specific modes of consciousness can have beneficial health effects, scientists have sought to understand how these practices physically affect the body. A new study by researchers in Wisconsin, Spain, and France reports the first evidence of specific molecular changes in the body following a period of intensive mindfulness practice.

The study investigated the effects of a day of intensive mindfulness practice in a group of experienced meditators, compared to a group of untrained control subjects who engaged in quiet non-meditative activities. After eight hours of mindfulness practice, the meditators showed a range of genetic and molecular differences, including altered levels of gene-regulating machinery and reduced levels of pro-inflammatory genes, which in turn correlated with faster physical recovery from a stressful situation.

“To the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper that shows rapid alterations in gene expression within subjects associated with mindfulness meditation practice,” says study author Richard J. Davidson, founder of the Center for Investigating Healthy Minds and the William James and Vilas Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

“Most interestingly, the changes were observed in genes that are the current targets of anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs,” says Perla Kaliman, first author of the article and a researcher at the Institute of Biomedical Research of Barcelona, Spain (IIBB-CSIC-IDIBAPS), where the molecular analyses were conducted.

The study was published in the Journal Psychoneuroendocrinology.

Mindfulness-based trainings have shown beneficial effects on inflammatory disorders in prior clinical studies and are endorsed by the American Heart Association as a preventative intervention. The new results provide a possible biological mechanism for therapeutic effects.

Gene Activity Can Change According To Perception

According to Dr. Bruce Lipton, gene activity can change on a daily basis. If the perception in your mind is reflected in the chemistry of your body, and if your nervous system reads and interprets the environment and then controls the blood’s chemistry, then you can literally change the fate of your cells by altering your thoughts.

In fact, Dr. Lipton’s research illustrates that by changing your perception, your mind can alter the activity of your genes and create over thirty thousand variations of products from each gene. He gives more detail by saying that the gene programs are contained within the nucleus of the cell, and you can rewrite those genetic programs through changing your blood chemistry.

In the simplest terms, this means that we need to change the way we think if we are to heal cancer. “The function of the mind is to create coherence between our beliefs and the reality we experience,” Dr. Lipton said. “What that means is that your mind will adjust the body’s biology and behavior to fit with your beliefs. If you’ve been told you’ll die in six months and your mind believes it, you most likely will die in six months. That’s called the nocebo effect, the result of a negative thought, which is the opposite of the placebo effect, where healing is mediated by a positive thought.”

That dynamic points to a three-party system: there’s the part of you that swears it doesn’t want to die (the conscious mind), trumped by the part that believes you will (the doctor’s prognosis mediated by the subconscious mind), which then throws into gear the chemical reaction (mediated by the brain’s chemistry) to make sure the body conforms to the dominant belief. (Neuroscience has recognized that the subconscious controls 95 percent of our lives.)

Now what about the part that doesn’t want to die–the conscious mind? Isn’t it impacting the body’s chemistry as well? Dr. Lipton said that it comes down to how the subconscious mind, which contains our deepest beliefs, has been programmed. It is these beliefs that ultimately cast the deciding vote.

“It’s a complex situation,” said Dr. Lipton. People have been programmed to believe that they’re victims and that they have no control. We’re programmed from the start with our mother and father’s beliefs. So, for instance, when we got sick, we were told by our parents that we had to go to the doctor because the doctor is the authority concerning our health. We all got the message throughout childhood that doctors were the authority on health and that we were victims of bodily forces beyond our ability to control. The joke, however, is that people often get better while on the way to the doctor. That’s when the innate ability for self-healing kicks in, another example of the placebo effect.

Mindfulness Practice Specifically Affects Regulatory Pathways

The results of Davidson’s study show a down-regulation of genes that have been implicated in inflammation. The affected genes include the pro-inflammatory genes RIPK2 and COX2 as well as several histone deacetylase (HDAC) genes, which regulate the activity of other genes epigenetically by removing a type of chemical tag. What’s more, the extent to which some of those genes were downregulated was associated with faster cortisol recovery to a social stress test involving an impromptu speech and tasks requiring mental calculations performed in front of an audience and video camera.

Biologists have suspected for years that some kind of epigenetic inheritance occurs at the cellular level. The different kinds of cells in our bodies provide an example. Skin cells and brain cells have different forms and functions, despite having exactly the same DNA. There must be mechanisms–other than DNA–that make sure skin cells stay skin cells when they divide.

Perhaps surprisingly, the researchers say, there was no difference in the tested genes between the two groups of people at the start of the study. The observed effects were seen only in the meditators following mindfulness practice. In addition, several other DNA-modifying genes showed no differences between groups, suggesting that the mindfulness practice specifically affected certain regulatory pathways.

The key result is that meditators experienced genetic changes following mindfulness practice that were not seen in the non-meditating group after other quiet activities — an outcome providing proof of principle that mindfulness practice can lead to epigenetic alterations of the genome.

Previous studies in rodents and in people have shown dynamic epigenetic responses to physical stimuli such as stress, diet, or exercise within just a few hours.

“Our genes are quite dynamic in their expression and these results suggest that the calmness of our mind can actually have a potential influence on their expression,” Davidson says.

“The regulation of HDACs and inflammatory pathways may represent some of the mechanisms underlying the therapeutic potential of mindfulness-based interventions,” Kaliman says. “Our findings set the foundation for future studies to further assess meditation strategies for the treatment of chronic inflammatory conditions.”

Subconscious Beliefs Are Key

Too many positive thinkers know that thinking good thoughts–and reciting affirmations for hours on end–doesn’t always bring about the results that feel-good books promise.

Dr. Lipton didn’t argue this point, because positive thoughts come from the conscious mind, while contradictory negative thoughts are usually programmed in the more powerful subconscious mind.

“The major problem is that people are aware of their conscious beliefs and behaviors, but not of subconscious beliefs and behaviors. Most people don’t even acknowledge that their subconscious mind is at play, when the fact is that the subconscious mind is a million times more powerful than the conscious mind and that we operate 95 to 99 percent of our lives from subconscious programs.

“Your subconscious beliefs are working either for you or against you, but the truth is that you are not controlling your life, because your subconscious mind supersedes all conscious control. So when you are trying to heal from a conscious level–citing affirmations and telling yourself you’re healthy–there may be an invisible subconscious program that’s sabotaging you.”

The power of the subconscious mind is elegantly revealed in people expressing multiple personalities. While occupying the mind-set of one personality, the individual may be severely allergic to strawberries. Then, in experiencing the mind-set of another personality, he or she eats them without consequence.

The new science of epigenetics promises that every person on the planet has the opportunity to become who they really are, complete with unimaginable power and the ability to operate from, and go for, the highest possibilities, including healing our bodies and our culture and living in peace.

About the Author

Michael Forrester is a spiritual counselor and is a practicing motivational speaker for corporations in Japan, Canada and the United States.

Source: Waking Times – 12/05/13, Michael Forrester


Thank You To Michael Forrester and Waking Times for this excellent post.

Meditation returned sanity to my life during a very stressful time for our family. I was losing family members to cancer left and right, my father was in the last stages of terminal bone cancer, my husband had suffered a very debilitating back injury, our son was very high level ADHD, our daughter was suffering excruciating stomach pain which had her spending much of her life crying due to pain and I had a boss who had caused 17 separate stress leaves in a staff of 15 in an 18 month period. I started to suffer from symptoms of extreme anxiety. I had researched anti-depressants and was not comfortable with the side effects.

Learning to meditate allowed me to survive mentally and be present and fully functional as a mother, wife, daughter, sister, co-worker and friend. It has since been my goto solution. It in part has led me to become a Wellness Coach.

Using a number of solutions together has been very effective in helping each client deal with stress and pain management. This multi pronged approach which includes meditation, has significant success helping clients. They had tried the full arsenal of traditional and complimentary approaches in attempts to return to health and wellness to no avail.

Various meditation techniques have become one part of their day-to-day management of their personal situation. Most clients choose to continue with quarterly quantum biofeedback training tune-up sessions to make sure they stay on track. I work with clients over long distances through telephone and Skype saving them significant travel time and disruption. My preference will always be one to one, face to face sessions. However, when time and distance prevent that option, the distance sessions have provided a workable and effective solution that achieves results.

Learning to meditate and achieve that state of calmness and peace can be challenging but anything truly worthwhile is worth the effort. Being an easily distracted person, if I were to attempt to learn meditation now, I would use the Internet to find a meditation recording done in a voice that was very relaxing and easy to listen to. Get good head phones that block out distracting sounds and work with the guided meditation. DO NOT GIVE UP!

Consider learning meditation with Buddhist monks if that is an option. Some of the most blissful mediations I have experienced have occurred in group settings that are based in eastern religions.

Bottom Line – Learn to live in Mindfulness through the use of  daily Meditation. The positive changes you will experience in your life and your health will be well worth the time and effort you invest in finding a or creating a meditation that works for you.

Be consistent and you will reap consistently better results!****

Scientists Find Sniffing Rosemary Can Increase Memory By 75%

Scientists Find Sniffing Rosemary Can Increase Memory By 75%

Scientists Find Sniffing Rosemary Can Increase Memory By 75 Percent

Photo – – licensed under CC 2.0

Check bottom of post for ***Reposters Note if you can not find a really good Rosemary 100% Pure Essential Oil.

Rosemary is a wonderful herb with a tradition of use spanning millennia. It has innumerable uses in both the kitchen and in herbal medicine.

Did you know that rosemary has been associated with memory enhancement since ancient times? It is true – and it has even been referred to from the latter part of the Elizabethan Era to the Early Romantic period as the herb of remembrance. In Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Ophelia says, “There’s rosemary, that’s for remembrance.” (Hamlet, iv. 5.) It has also long been used as a symbol for remembrance during weddings, war commemorations and funerals in Europe and Australia. [1] Mourners in old times would wear it as a buttonhole, burn it as incense or throw it into graves as a symbol of remembrance for the dead.

It seems that this tradition of Rosemary may actually far more ancient and have its origins in the Arabic world of medieval times, which was greatly advanced in science: In Henry Lyte’s 1578 “Niewe Herball“, an English version of Rembert Dodoens’ French treatise, it is written “The Arrabians and their successors Physitions, do say that Rosemarie comforteth the brayne, the memory and the inward senses, and that it restoreth speech, especially the conserve made of the flowers, thereof with Sugar, to be received daily.” [2]

Because of this seemingly esoteric association, rosemary has at times been made into a sort of herbal-amulet, where it was placed beneath pillowcases, or simply smelt as a bouquet, and it was believed that using rosemary in these ways could protect the sleeper from nightmares, as well as increase their memory.

What’s fascinating is that several scientific studies have now found remarkable results for rosemary’s effects on memory:

Rosemary essential oil’s role in aromatherapy as an agent that promotes mental clarity was validated by the study of Moss, Cook, Wesnes, and Duckett (2003) in which the inhalation of rosemary essential oil significantly enhanced the performance for overall quality of memory and secondary memory factors of study participants. [3]

More recently, in 2012 a study on 28 older people (average 75 years old) found statistically significant dose-dependent improvements in cognitive performance with doses of dried rosemary leaf powder. [4]

Another study by Mark Moss and Lorraine Oliver at Northumbria University, Newcastle has identified 1,8-cineole (a compound in rosemary) as an agent potentially responsible for cognitive and mood performance. [5]

Further studies by Mark Moss and team have found memory enhancements of up to an amazing 75% from diffusion of rosemary essential oil. [6]

Now if you are asking “How is it even possible that an aroma can enhance memory?” – well, that’s a great question. Here’s a fascinating quote from one of the scientific papers referenced: “Volatile compounds (e.g. terpenes) may enter the blood stream by way of the nasal or lung mucosa. Terpenes are small organic molecules which can easily cross the blood-brain barrier and therefore may have direct effects in the brain by acting on receptor sites or enzyme systems.” [5]

Terpenes are primary components of essential oils and are often strong smelling, responsible for a diverse array of natural aromas. It’s also been found that 1,8-cineole enters the bloodstream of mammals after inhalation or ingestion. [7]

I’m interested to know if anyone uses rosemary as a memory enhancer. Maybe you could take some with you next time you have an examination and see if it helps with recall? One last tidbit to inspire you further: Lavender. In a 1998 study published in the International Journal of Neuroscience, rosemary was found to increase alertness but lavender was found not only to increase alertness but also to increase accuracy in math tests! [8] The way this is going, I can sense the possibility of a magical custom oil blend for total recall! ;)

Rosemary is very easy to grow in many gardens and will provide an abundant supply – almost too abundant! Just the other day when paying a Christmas visit to my family, I cut a few sprigs from my Dad’s organic rosemary bush (rosemary is an evergreen!), left them on a radiator to dry for a few days and then put the needle-like leaves in a jar, ready for use in the kitchen whenever required. So aromatic… and much better than the store-bought stuff I had before!

Another thought that springs to mind from this – here we have yet another example of an ancient herbal lore that has been validated by modern experiments. This happens again and again – and yet still the remarkable herbals, lost treasures of the ancient world are considered spurious by modern medicine. If an herb has been in use for a thousand years for a condition, it should be considered probable that there is something to it. When are we going to catch up with ancient knowledge? Let’s hope soon – while there is still some untarnished, un-GMO-ed nature left…

This scientific discovery was brought to our attention by the remarkable Robert Tisserand, whose work on essential oils is considered by many to be among the very finest. Check out his original pages reporting on the memory effects of Rosemary here – and here


[1] Henry Lyte “Niewe Herball”, 1578, p.264


[3] Moss M., Cook J., Wesnes K., & Duckett P. (2003). Aromas of rosemary and lavender essential oils differentially affect cognition and mood in healthy adults. International Journal of Neuroscience, 113(1): 15-38. Retrieved 24 March 2013 from






***Reposter’s Note***

Well I’m game. I have some wonderful 100% PURE essential oils that are for use with my Oxygen Spa.  Now to just get some small containers so I can carry a small amount of each with me. If you cannot find excellent oils easily for a reasonable price. Check out the ones I use.

They are $80.00 CDN for 200 ml (which is such a excellent price for almost a cup of the superb quality essential oils) plus S&H and can be shipped anywhere. If you need some, just contact me (Deb) through the comments section of this blog or the phone number on the  home page of the Home Spa Edmonton website.

I have some one important in my life who is turning  80 this month. I have been having trouble finding just the right gift.  Thanks to for this excellent article and for the perfect birthday gift idea.***