Tag Archive | eczema

RCMP Officer Legally Smokes Medical Marijuana for PTSD

RCMP Officer Legally Smokes Medical Marijuana for PTSD

Pot-smoking Mountie can’t smoke publicly in uniform: RCMP

Cpl. Ron Francis legally smokes marijuana daily while on duty to treat post-traumatic stress disorder

By Evan Dyer, CBC News Posted: Nov 28, 2013 5:00 AM ET Last Updated: Nov 28, 2013 3:48 PM ET

Mountie can't smoke pot in uniform in public

Mountie can’t smoke pot in uniform in public 2:20

RAW Mountie on PTSD and medical marijuana

RAW Mountie on PTSD and medical marijuana 3:10

RAW RCMP on marijuana use on the force

RAW RCMP on marijuana use on the force 2:19

A Royal Canadian Mounted Police officer with a medical marijuana prescription thinks he should be able to smoke the drug while in uniform, but the RCMP says he can’t smoke marijuana while in red serge or while wearing his regular working uniform.

RCMP Assistant Commissioner Gilles MoreauRCMP assistant commissioner Gilles Moreau said any officer with a medical marijuana prescription can take their medication, but should not do so in while in public in their uniform. (CBC)

Cpl. Ronald Francis serves with J Division in New Brunswick, and received a prescription for medical-grade marijuana on Nov. 4.

‘There’s no policy in the RCMP that prevents me from smoking marijuana. There’s no policy in the RCMP that says I cannot smoke in public. I have the right to smoke it in my red serge.’-Cpl. Ronald Francis

Francis told CBC News marijuana has helped him to calm down and reduces his PTSD symptoms. His prescription allows for three grams a day, which he estimates to be nine to 15 joints, though he said he doesn’t typically smoke that much.

“I get up in the morning, have my coffee and the marijuana. I go at lunchtime, have a marijuana joint, and then again in the evening. That would be my medical regime. But that may change with my tolerance to THC. It may take two joints in the morning, I don’t know,” said Francis.

“I’m just building up my immunity to THC levels, if I was to smoke two I’d probably get stoned to the point that I’m just totally relaxed. I’m still functional. But your nervous system is relaxed, and that makes a big difference,” he said.

RCMP Cpl. Ronald FrancisCpl. Francis said his choice to switch to medical marijuana was a health decision. (CBC)

Francis, who is currently assigned to administrative duties, said smoking marijuana has no negative effect on his ability to be a police officer and that he intends to continue smoking on the job.

“There’s no policy in the RCMP that prevents me from smoking marijuana. There’s no policy in the RCMP that says I cannot smoke in public. I have the right to smoke it in my red serge.”

RCMP says officers ‘should not be in red serge’ while smoking marijuana

But while the RCMP accepts that Francis’s prescription gives him the right to consume marijuana, the force takes issue with members smoking in public or in uniform.

“Definitely a member that has been prescribed medicinal marijuana should not be in red serge taking his medication,” said RCMP assistant commissioner Gilles Moreau. “It would not be advisable for that member, it would not portray the right message to the general public, it’s definitely not something we would support or condone.”

Moreau said the RCMP has a duty to accommodate members’ medical needs, but also has to consider the effect on other members and on public perceptions.

“Because this is relatively new for active members of the RCMP, we are looking at the internal policies to see, how do we set it up? To say, OK, if somebody is prescribed medical marijuana and they have to take it two or three times a day and have to take it at work, where is this going to take place? If it takes place outside, it has to respect the individual but also their co-workers, and it has to respect the Canadian population at large by taking it in a respectful way.”

The RCMP has the right to challenge medical treatments it considers inappropriate, and to seek a second medical opinion, Moreau said, adding that RCMP will evaluate any member who obtains a medical marijuana prescription.

If they are found to be impaired in judgment or motor skills, the RCMP will place limits on the police functions they’re permitted to perform, he said.

Turned to marijuana after trying anti-depressants

Francis said he experienced stress on the job early in his career, while serving the First Nation in Davis Inlet and in his own community of Kingsclear First Nation. He began to seek treatment for mental distress eight years ago.

At first, his doctors prescribed anti-depressants, but he did not feel any significant improvement.

“I started to self-medicate with alcohol. And I said no, this is not me. Why am I doing this? And I was going through treatment for PTSD at the time, and the RCMP did provide treatment, and I thank the RCMP for that.”

But Francis began to read about alternative treatments, including marijuana, and he eventually left the doctor he was seeing at the occupational stress injury clinic. He switched to a different doctor, who gave him the marijuana prescription.

“When I explored it as a treatment for my PTSD, I had to really make a moral decision about it. Because the RCMP and law enforcement, they seem so anti-marijuana, and that’s a hard thing to overcome, so I had to make that decision for my own health. It wasn’t based on my career or anything.

“It was for my own health. In doing that I realized that I have to come first. The organization doesn’t come first, Ron Francis comes first. For my own health. And I’m glad I did that,” he said.

Related Stories

***Reposter’s note
You will find a number of educational posts on this blog, that I researched and posted after viewing Dr.Sanjay Gupta’s eye opening documentary this summer. As you can see the tide is turning. Cannabis is proving to be the most nutritionally complete vegetable on the planet as well as one of the most beneficial natural or prescription medicine for hundreds of diseases.
As we the general public are exposed to the far reaching health benefits and understand the fact that if CANNABIS is ingested raw and not exposed to heat, there are NO PSYCHOACTIVE EFFECTS, attitude and acceptance will change. I foresee in the not to distant future, that the general public WILL DEMAND the right to grow and use this vegetable as freely as the potato or tomato.***
Below are links to some of the information that opened my eyes to the medicine that so many are denied.

101 Uses for Coconut Oil – A True, Whole Body-Mind Anti-Aging Solution & Skin Rejuvenator

101 Uses for Coconut Oil

****Reposters Note – Thank you to for this excellent post, 101 Uses for Coconut Oil.

Coconut Oil is one of those choices that is sure to benefit everyone who chooses to add it to their diets. Coincidentally,  it is as good for us externally as internally. Add to that, it is an  excellent all natural tool for all sorts of little jobs around the home. It is truly astonishing how many (not so natural) products it can replace in your cupboard, medicine cabinets and around the home.

Our local Costco carries an excellent Organic Cold Pressed Virgin Coconut Oil 1.5 kg (54 oz) for around $16.00.***

Coconut 101 Uses for Coconut Oil

I’ve said before that I am with coconut oil like the dad in “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” is with windex… I use it for everything. Right now, I have a five gallon bucket of it sitting next to my desk because we use so much and I don’t have anywhere else to keep it…

Today, I’m sharing my top 101 (yes 101!!) uses for coconut oil:

Uses for Coconut Oil

  1. In cooking as a great oil with a high smoke point. Great for baking, stir-frys or as a dairy free replacement to butter.
  2. Taken supplementally for daily energy
  3. As a coffee creamer when emulsified into coffee (The only way I’ll drink coffee)
  4. On the skin as a basic lotion
  5. In homemade lotion bars for soft, smooth skin
  6. In homemade deodorant or deodorant bars
  7. As an eye-makeup remover
  8. As a cloth diaper safe diaper cream (just rub on baby’s bottom)
  9. In making your own Remineralizing Toothpaste
  10. To lighten age spots when rubbed directly on the skin
  11. To prevent stretch marks during pregnancy
  12. To support healthy thyroid function
  13. In homemade Mayo without the high PUFA vegetable oils
  14. To help increase sun tolerance and avoid burning
  15. As a naturally SPF 4 sunscreen
  16. In homemade lotion recipes
  17. To get rid of cradle cap on baby- just massage in to head, leave on for a few minutes and gently rinse with a warm wash cloth
  18. Topically to kill yeast or yeast infections
  19. As a delicious tropical massage oil
  20. It’s high Lauric acid and MCFA content helps boost metaboism
  21. A tiny dab rubbed on your hands and then through hair will help get rid of friz
  22. As an intensive nighttime facial moisturizer
  23. Mixed with equal parts sugar for a smoothing body scrub (use in the shower)
  24. Rubbed on lips as a natural chap stick
  25. Topically, can help skin heal faster after injury or infection
  26. Directly on the perineum to help heal after birth
  27. As an incredibly intensive natural conditioner- Rub into dry hair, put a shower cap on and leave for several hours
  28. On feet to fight athlete’s foot or tor fungus
  29. In place of Lanolin cream on nursing nipples to sooth irritation (also great for baby!)
  30. Can help sooth psoriasis or eczema
  31. There is some evidence that regular ingestion of coconut oil can help prevent or reverse Alzheimers
  32.  With apple cider vinegar as a natural treatment for lice that actually works
  33. In natural Homemade Sunscreen
  34. In healthy brain boosting snack for kids like Coconut Clusters
  35. In a filling and energy boosting Brain Powder Smoothie
  36. Rub coconut oil on the inside of your nose to help alleviate allergy symptoms
  37. Nursing moms can take 3-4 tablespoons a day (and Vitamin D) to increase milk supply and nutrients
  38. There is some evidence that coconut oil helps digestion and may even kill intestinal parasites or yeast
  39. Mix a tablespoon with a tablespoon of chia seeds for an all-day energy boost (do NOT take this at night!)
  40. Can help improve insulin levels
  41. Oil pulling with coconut oil and a drop of oregano oil helps improve gum health
  42. Can help improve cholesterol ratios
  43. Blend a tablespoon into hot tea to help speed recovery from cold or flu
  44. In Homemade Natural Bug-Off Lotion Bars
  45. As a replacement for vegetable oils in any recipe
  46. Better for high-temperature cooking than olive or vegetable oils
  47. Can help reduce appearance of varicose veins
  48. After initial heat is gone, can help speed healing of sunburn
  49. Is an immediate source of energy when eaten and isn’t stored as fat
  50. As a natural personal lubricant that won’t disturb vaginal flora
  51. As a naturally antibacterial skin cream
  52. In natural homemade diaper cream
  53. As a natural shave cream and after shave lotion
  54. When used consistently on skin it can help get rid of cellulite
  55. To season cast iron skillets
  56. It’s anti-inflammatory properties can help lessen arthritis
  57. Can reduce the itch of mosquito bites
  58. Can help resolve acne when used regularly
  59. Can be rubbed into scalp daily to stimulate hair growth
  60. I’ve used in kids ears to help speed ear infection healing
  61. On split ends to de-frizz
  62. A small amount can be rubbed into real leather to soften and condition (shiny leather only… test a small area first)
  63. By itself as a great tanning oil
  64. Mixed with salt to remove dry skin on feet
  65. Can help speed weight loss when consumed daily
  66. Can help improve sleep when taken daily
  67. Can be used to speed healing of fungal infections when taken internally and used externally
  68. A tablespoon melted into a cup of warm tea can help sooth a sore throat
  69. To help sooth the itch of chicken pox or poison ivy
  70. It has been shown to increase absorption of calcium and magnesium
  71. Internally as part of the protocol to help remineralize teeth
  72.  Some evidence shows that the beneficial fats in coconut oil can help with depression and anxiety
  73. By itself as a natural deodorant
  74. By itself or with baking soda as a naturally whitening toothpaste
  75. For pets struggling with skin issues when used externally
  76. Some evidence suggests that the beneficial fats in coconut oil are helpful for those with Autism
  77. In homemade vapor rub
  78. As a safe cooking oil for deep frying
  79. A tablespoon taken before each meal can help improve digestion
  80. Can be taken in warm ginger tea to sooth heartburn or nausea
  81. As a completely natural baby lotion
  82. On hands after doing dishes to avoid dry skin
  83. Mixed with catnip, rosemary, or mint essential oils as a natural bug repellent
  84. Can be used on mom’s nipple and baby’s mouth to help treat thrush
  85. Many use it as an anti-aging facial moisturizer
  86. Use to make coconut cream concentrate for a brain boosting snack
  87. Can be used internally and externally to speed recovery from UTIs
  88. When taken regularly, it can help fight candida
  89. When taken regularly, it can boost hormone production
  90. Can relieve the pain of hemorrhoids when used topically
  91. Can boost circulation and help those who often feel cold
  92. On cuticles to help nails grow
  93. Rub into elbows daily to help alleviate dry, flaky elbows
  94. Add to smoothies to give them a nutritional boost
  95. Internally during pregnancy to help provide baby necessary fats for development (especially when taken with Fermented Cod Liver Oil)
  96. In any recipes where vegetable oils are used
  97. Whipped with shea butter for a soothing body balm
  98. One reader swears by using coconut oil to treat yeast infection. She suggests soaking a tampon in it and inserting the tampon for a few hours.
  99. Naturally clears up cold sores
  100. Ingesting coconut oil daily can help with allergy symptoms
  101. Ingesting coconut oil daily can increase mental alertness
You can also check out my recipe index or Start Here Page for many more recipes that use coconut oil!

 What Kind of Coconut Oil?

For external uses, expeller pressed or other types of refined coconut oil will work, but for internal use, an unrefined virgin coconut oil is best. My husband and I both take about 4 tablespoons a day and the kids get a couple tablespoons in food, smoothies, or hot herbal tea.


Links to other  Coconut Oil posts from All About Wellness Solutions – A cornucopia of varied information

Coconut Oil Pulling Therapy – Excellent Detox & Wellness Rejuvenator

Homemade Toothpaste With Coconut Oil – Health & Heart Smart

Get Off Your Thyroid Medication And Start Consuming Coconut Oil

Why You Should Use COCONUT OIL – 9 Benefits For Skin, Body And Soul

10 health Benefits of Virgin Coconut Oil

80 Awesome Uses For COCONUT OIL, In Your Home and Your Health

13 Evidence-Based Medicinal Properties of Coconut Oil

WEED: A Dr. Sanjay Gupta Special + Additional Food for Thought

 A Dr. Sanjay Gupta Special

Quite an education that is long overdue. I have added a lot more information for you to chew on. Thank You for bringing the gift of your open mind.

If the video is unavailable above just follow this link to you tube


Dr. Gupta has my appreciation and gratitude for broaching this topic in such methodical well researched documentary.

Ricki Lake also hi-lighted this topic earlier this year and showed us real lives, extremely changed for the better by appropriate use of Cannabis.

Ricki Lake Show Mykayla Comstock Parents BraveMykayla.com – Meet the Martha Stewart of Marijuana

Cannabis is a complex issue. Here is some additional information that really opened my eyes.

THE PARENTS/PEOPLE  IN THESE VIDEOS COULD BE ANY OF US. They were desperate, they listened, learned, took action.

It was information and education that opened their eyes and changed their whole world. THEY ARE NOT CRAZY – THEY ARE JUST MORE EDUCATED IN THE FACTS ABOUT CANNABIS.

What follows is some of the information available out there that really opened my eyes.

A must watch is found at the end of this post is The Best Marijuana Documentary (Canadian)

There is a lot of support in the Medical Community that can not be voiced due to retribution and loss of livelihood. Lets free our Medical Community to use this tool sooner rather than later. There is a lot of support also found in the Policing community as well, and they for the same reasons can not voice it.

The generation graduating today will change this if we do not. They are not afraid of Cannabis and believe it is safe. They will be reaping the legacy of huge health care deficits. They will force the issue out of financial necessity but from the basis of knowledge and science.

Your body makes cannabinoids naturally. It is in mothers milk to help make new born babies become hungry and learn to suckle.

A great article from Natural News, read the full article here,   Cannabinoids, like those found in marijuana, occur naturally in human breast milk

“Cell membranes in the body are naturally equipped with these cannabinoid receptors which, when activated by cannabinoids and various other nutritive substances, protect cells against viruses, harmful bacteria, cancer, and other malignancies. And human breast milk is an abundant source of endocannabinoids, a specific type of neuromodulatory lipid that basically teaches a newborn child how to eat by stimulating the suckling process.”

Don’t you find it interesting that the human body comes equipped with cannabinoid receptors and that when they are activated, they protect cells against viruses, harmful bacteria, cancer, and other malignancies

Isn’t it also interesting that human breast milk is an abundant source of endocannabinoids? We know most babies, when born, are endowed with the benefits of it’s mothers immunities for the first few months allowing the baby a chance to develop it’s own immune system more fully. Does it then,  not also make sense that these cannabinoids might need augmenting when our bodies are stressed by certain conditions like cancer?

We, all human beings come with built in equipment so our bodies can defend and repair itself through the use of cannabinoids.


So it would be logical to anticipate that if the body is unable to repair itself due  to being overwhelmed by viruses, harmful bacteria, cancer, and other malignancies – giving this substance to the body would enable it to revitalize that defense mechanism ?

Wouldn’t that then  explain the results of many studies over many decades showing a wide range of medicinal benefits to people who suffer from Parkinson’s to Cancer and pretty much every thing in between?.

Yet Marijuana/Cannabis has been criminalized and demonized, denying the public at large a safe effective medicinal solution with no horribly detrimental side effects when used appropriately.

Also very interestingly  – No one has ever died from a Cannabis overdose. The same cannot be said for many of the man made pharmaceuticals which treat the same health concerns.

Cannabis is a VEGTABLE


Cannabis provides highly digestible globular protein, which is balanced for all of the Essential Amino Acids. Cannabis provides the ideal ratio of omega 6 to omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids. Critically, cannabis is the only known source of the Essential Cannabinoid Acids. It is clear that all 7 billion individuals would benefit from access to cannabis as a unique functional food.

Alcohol, a large portion of pharmaceuticals, glue, certain permanent markers, various hallucinogenic herbs, aspartame, tobacco etc. are all legal or legal but controlled.

Most street drugs and Cannabis/ Marijuana are illegal.

Of this group only Marijuana/Cannabis can be categorized as non lethal in all dosages.

What do the majority of these substances have in common WHEN NOT USED IN MODERATION:

  • can be addictive ,
  • impact brain development in the frontal cortex in people under  25,
  • cause panic attacks and paranoia.

Addiction Rates

  • Cannabis 9%
  • Heroin 23%
  • Cocaine 17%
  • Alcohol 15%


0 attributable to cannabis use in the US in 2005. (http://medicalmarijuana.procon.org/view.resource.php?resourceID=000145)
79,000 attributable to excessive alcohol use in the US in 2005. (http://www.cdc.gov/alcohol/ardi.htm)
22,400 drug overdose deaths in the US in 2005, (http://www.drugfreeworld.org/about-us/about-the-foundation.html)
106,000 of those are the result of prescription drug use  (w.activistpost.com/2013/05/death-by-prescription-drugs-is-growing.html)
Drug overdose breakdown
  • Prescription Drugs 45% (Depressants, opioids and antidepressants)
  • Street Drugs Combined 39% (Amphetamine, Heroin, Methamphetamine, Cocaine)


  • Alcohol is the  second most deadly and the most accessible
  • Prescription Drugs are the most deadly and second most accessible
  • Street Drugs are third most deadly and accessible
  • Cannabis does not cause death
  • Cannabis is less addictive than street drugs or alcohol (no numbers readily available for prescription drug addiction)
  • Cannabis has numerous studies to support use as a medical alternative for numerous more dangerous pharmaceuticals.
  • Billions annually could be reallocated if cannabis was regulated, marketed and controlled similar to alcohol or tobacco.
  • Low THC – high Cannabinoid  strains could be grown without any more oversight than crops like wheat.
  • High THC – high Cannabinoid  strains could be grown with appropriate monitoring and security engaged during late growth stages and processing .
  • A legalized cannabis industry could create billions of dollars in income and a significant boost to jobs. This industry  properly handled could be a huge source of tax income.
  • We would solve many issues and have a multi billion dollar hemp economy as it can be used for 1000’s of products.
  • Proper education programs for young people could be created – give them the whole picture. Regulate high THC content Marijuana/Cannabis just like alcohol and tobacco
  • More youth in the United States drink alcohol than smoke tobacco or marijuana, making Alcohol the drug most used by American young people. (http://www.camy.org/factsheets/sheets/prevalence_of_underage_drinking.html)
  • Alcohol is the most used substance by young people and it has the highest death rate.
  • We are focusing on the wrong substance if the goal is to protect our people, young or older from themselves as alcohol has  much higher death and addiction rates and is consumed by a much larger segment of the population. It does not scientifically show many medical benefits.
  • Only a small minority would abuse Cannabis/Marijuana – they will do that whether it is legal or illegal.
  • Decriminalizing Cannabis would remove the criminal element from profiting, while freeing up resources that could be much better used elsewhere.  Just think how many less jail cells would be needed – the financial windfall from that alone would be staggering.

I, like most of you, have watched people use the recreational substances of alcohol and cannabis. Almost everyone has seen the nicest, smartest people become idiots when they drink more than moderate amounts.

People on an alcohol high (drunk)

  • Engage in riskier behavior
  • Show more dramatic emotional responses ( crying, fighting, are less easy to reason with, become agitated far more readily,
  • Are less coherent, often are unable to follow direct commands
  • Much more likely to have a physical reaction, vomiting, stumbling, falling, unconsciousness,
  • Addiction is very difficult to overcome, severe relapses can pose a huge threat to others

People on a cannabis high(stoned)

  • Are typically happy and easy to get along with
  • May seem more lethargic but in control of their faculties and bodies
  • May not show any noticeable physical reaction
  • Can follow direct commands
  • Addiction can be difficult to overcome, severe relapses typically only  pose a threat to themselves and that threat is the relapse into use.

In the event of a life threatening event, I would much prefer my children be in the hands of someone high on cannabis than someone who is drunk.

It is time to start really looking at the facts.

None of the above mind altering substances are toys for fun and games, whether they are legal or not. It is obvious and incontrovertible through scientific investigation and anecdotal experience that Cannabis causes the least negative impact socially and financially to society and the individual.

When juiced raw it is an unparalleled nutritional powerhouse with no hallucinogenic effects

Scientific studies of cannabis, some dating back decades show very significant medical efficacy.

The US government holds patents cannabinoids.

How is it any longer acceptable and accepted that a more realistic and practical categorization of Cannabis  be denied the populace at large?

How is it that we, as a civilized society continue to allow;

  • Billions upon Billions of wasted tax dollars and man hours on something that has never killed anyone.
  • Millions of patients to be subjected to Pharmaceuticals that further endanger their lives or quality of life due to destructive side effects, but continue to deny them access to a scientifically safer alternative.


I charge each and every one of you to ask any first responders you know, who they would rather deal have to deal with:

Someone who is using:

  • Cannabis
  • Alcohol
  • Prescription Drugs  (Depressants, opioids and antidepressants)
  • Street Drugs Combined  (Amphetamine, Heroin, Methamphetamine, Cocaine)
  • Or is not using anything but is in a heightened mental state like anger or psychosis.

I suspect you will get he same answer as I did. It was unanimous – the person using Cannabis.

There will always be those who will abuse substances, from mouth washes and aftershaves that contain alcohol to glue and gasoline that you can sniff. People have died from abusing each of those substances. Yet we didn’t make those substances unobtainable legally to the rest of the population. We the general public would never be in a position to compete and take any of that  business away.

On the other hand, if Cannabis were re-categorized, you could grow a marijuana plant in a pot in your apartment window and reap the health benefits. If everybody grew a few plants to juice and keep themselves healthy, that could cut into the profits derived from a lot of different products marketed commercially today,  Other companies would create  legal cannabis products like leaf juice that would still put most of that same money into the economy and health care legally.

If we were so inclined – we could make a number of alcohols in our homes  and grow their main in ingredients without breaking any laws.  Most of us choose not to. I believe the same would true of Cannabis. It being illegal makes it more attractive to the criminal element for it’s profitability.

Prohibition created a huge underground economy, large government enforcement agencies and made would be criminals out of  the general public.  The same has occurred with Cannabis and as you can see from the statistics above, it does a lot less harm. It is long past time to move forward.

Not so long ago many OTC drugs were mainly in the domain pharmacists. There were huge fears what  would happen out here in the real world. The reality is most of us use them as intended and a the few abuse them. Should we really expect anything different from Cannabis.

It clearly is not a cocaine. opium, heroin or ecstasy. Without the cachet and the profit, the criminal element would loose interest.

There could be huge business with so many spin off jobs and businesses. Only a bit of barley, wheat, corn etc goes into  making alcohol. Only a bit of certain plants at a certain point in maturation contain the THC which only becomes psychoactive when heated.

That is why it didn’t warrant the attention of the general public before 1937 and was in the hands of farmers and businesses.

One person, Henry J. Ainslinger, made it his mission to change this and make a name for himself. Others saw an opportunity to protect their interests and got on that bandwagon. Those interests are just as real today so the funding and support of the bandwagon continues.

Today we know so much more – Cannabis is no longer the big scary beast we were told it was. Due to the internet, that knowledge is out here for us all to see. The wheels are starting to fall off this bandwagon state by state and special interests and agendas can no longer keep up.

Soon it will translate to the Federal level as the old guard and their alliances are replaced. As the groundswell grows it will be interesting to see how it is dealt with by leadership candidates.

The various parts of Cannabis being sold through appropriate retailers would allow regulation and control. Pharmacies or liquor stores for the part that contains THC actives. The leaves which contain no THC could be harvested and be handled like wheat grass. The cold pressed oil and the hemp hearts  would go on the grocery shelves and the fiber would go out to industry to make canvas, rope, bio-fuel, pulp and paper fiber, cloth and 1000’s of everyday products.

There is no question, we have to start reducing health care costs. We as a society don’t have the resources to support the needs of our aging society without some major changes. More of us will be needing the solutions cannabis can provide. Many current pharmaceuticals come with costly negative side effects that require even further intervention.  Where possible, we must move to use the most effective, cost effective, responsible, least detrimental solutions. Cannabis is the only possible solution on the horizon that offers major change with an affordable price tag.

Cannabis could put as much legal employment and money into the economy as commodities like corn, wheat. soy,  canola or forest products.  You and I could grow any of these but we don’t bother too unless we have a market or a purpose.  We do buy the end products of these crops from retailers like department stores. liquor stores, grocery stores, pharmacies etc.

Marijuana/Cannabis was once a medicine available to our doctors. It was also a cash crop for the fiber. I know of European Immigrants who came to our area early last century who grew Hemp/Cannabis . Everything  was put to use, People made tea or incorporated Marijuana/Cannabis oil into foods including desserts. The leaf of the plant has no THC but has been shown to have huge stores of beneficial nutrients. THC concentrations were much lower but the cannabinoids were likely similar. The Hemp fiber portion was put to use in so many ways. The crops left the soil in very good condition for the next crop.

How can we get back to where this can be grown in gardens by you and all your neighbors.  Farmers can farm it freely. We can go back to using in our everyday life as a vegetable. Millions of trees could be saved every year, keeping our planet greener. Hemp/Cannabis being an annual crop is a very renewable resource and an excellent bio fuel source. Oil is not a renewable resource – we are using something we can not replace for future generations.

It is time to start considering the legacy we as a society are choosing to leave behind. When our actions serve only ourselves today – we serve no one. When our actions serve others – we provide service to everyone today and in the future.

Forward movement is happening as evidenced by the following article and the Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Ricki Lake and PBS broadcasts.

Note that industrial Marijuana contains very little if any THC – YET IT IS ALSO ILLEGAL TO GROW.

First major hemp crop in 60 years planted in Colorado

“Springfield, Colo., farmer Ryan Loflin on Monday planted the nation’s first industrial hemp crop (Cannabis Sativa) in almost 60 years,” The Denver Post reports.

Suck it, prohibition!

The United States banned the food, fuel and fiber in 1937, and we currently import tons of it, mostly from China. Below, Hemp for Victory, a piece of American propaganda during World War II detailing hemp’s rich history, which goes back thousands of years.

Uploaded on Aug 15, 2010 – Comments that followed the video

Produced by the US Government in 1942…Interesting to learn that Dupont Chemical funded the anti- hemp / marijuana effort. This is because they had patents on new synthetic fibers and Hemp had a new machine that would put them out of business if hemp were to be used for clothes. Dupont also sold – and still does many of the chemicals to wood pulp producers… so we continue to cut down forests… when Hemp could save millions of trees, be used as an alternative bio fuel and the US could easily grow enough hemp to eliminate the need for oil… so Big oil does not want hemp legal either. Neither do the drug companies… they can’t patent it. They would rather keep selling you their drugs. By keeping it illegal the lawyers, courts etc… also make a buck. You can only get high from the female flower – nobody has ever died from smoking a joint. Of course the alcohol and tobacco companies would prefer to keep their monopoly as well. So we have all the BIG Corporate players… against legalizing it. Yet if it were legalized – we would solve many issues and have a multi billion dollar hemp economy as it can be used for 1000’s of products. A few other good films to watch are run from the cure & hemp conspiracy – Google it! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kybQTt…

I watched helplessly as my father, uncle, mother in law and father in law died very painfully wasting away from cancer. My great grandmother was tortured by Parkinson’s in her later years. I have an epileptic cousin,  whose life is a nightmare due to epilepsy induced by head trauma.  My husband has to use Oxycontin for pain from damage caused by 3 separate back injuries.

From what I have learned – each and every one of them could have been or could be spared so much agony. It angers me greatly, that we the masses have been and continue to be so duped and denied this natural medicine, this natural herb, this natural fiber and this natural oil,

I have 1 mother, I husband,  5 siblings, 4 children, 5 grandchildren. By today’s statistics, 1 in 3 of us will get cancer – that is 5 of us. I want us to have cannabis as a choice for our therapy so we don’t have to experience the nightmare medical choices for treatment currently available, most of which don’t work any better than they did 50 years ago. I want  the cannabis therapies to be legal, accessible and affordable. Our bodies are made to use cannabinoids – our newborns thrive on them in our breast milk. our bodies use them everyday to keep our brains, bodies and immune functions operating well.

Watching all these people in these videos regain their health and ability to function fully as contributing members of society,  removing them from needing so much of the health care budget, shows not only can they benefit, but potentially every single one of us.

From Diabetes to Alzheimer’s, from Parkinson’s to COPD, from MS to Cancer, from Lupus to Crohn’s, almost every imaginable condition including malnutrition and pregnancy would alleviated or improved by Cannabis in one of it’s various consumable forms. There is now the science from all over the world to show this.

Doesn’t It boggle your my mind, that we as a society, can all get brain washed against our best interest by a few with special interest agendas?

How is it that BIG BUSINESS and individual agendas have run our countries and promoted their twisted version of the facts AND WE LET THEM? Especially, when from all appearances, we the masses are THE BIGGEST LOSERS in this whole scenario.

We as North Americans need to support the Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s, Dr Shakefords and all of the other researchers who are bringing old and new information to light.

Our fore-bearers must be rolling in their graves constantly – watching us fall for the Propaganda – HOOK, LINE and SINKER.

My grandfather was a soldier after WWI, My father and uncles fought in WW11. That is a statement that true for many of us. Cannabis Sativa was grown to support the WW11 war effort.

My father got cancer and the cancer eventually killed him after putting him through extended torture. His brothers all but one died of various cancers – they too suffered unmercifully.

Yet when, they, my family  were dying horrible agonizing deaths from cancer – Cannabis was not a choice. The knowledge of it’s efficacy as a cancer cure and a pain medication were purposely hidden from us under the guise of Cannabis being a horrible drug.  A few involved in GOVERNMENTS, LAW and BIG BUSINESS not just the Pharmaceutical Giants were and continue to be complicit in the effort. That too will change as public opinion forces it to.

There are many effective cancer cures –  you can’t patent them. They are natural to this planet and should be available to every inhabitant. Prevention really is the key. Our bodies create aberrant cells every day. We have multiple defense mechanisms that prevent proliferation and cause those cells to die. Cannabinoids play a very large and crucial role in defending our bodies.

Exercise, hydration, nutrition oxygenation, circulation, detoxification, PH balance, adequate quality sleep, a positive attitude, a supportive belief system are tools for a optimally functioning Immune System. Cannabinoids dramatically improve functioning of a compromised immune system. THC plays a huge role in pain control, aberrant brain function, mood and anxiety reduction.

This blog was created to share information on simple choices that can provide the body what it needs to create better health and wellness. It would be irresponsible for me to ignore Cannabis, when it is clearly a is a scientifically supported solution.

One of those choices for some people will be cannabis in various forms. For Cannabis to be available to everyone who is in need, regulation and laws need to change as well as false beliefs. Education and research will pave the way  for change. Thanks to Dr.Sanjay Gupta and his approach, the lines of communication will be expanded on this topic, getting this message into the mainstream.

Research shows us:

“Cell membranes in the body are naturally equipped with these cannabinoid receptors which, when activated by cannabinoids and various other nutritive substances, protect cells against viruses, harmful bacteria, cancer, and other malignancies.  Human breast milk is an abundant source of endocannabinoids, a specific type of neuromodulatory lipid that basically teaches a newborn child how to eat by stimulating the suckling process.”

Through lies and false propaganda – THIS CHOICE HAS BEEN STOLEN FROM US. WE NEED TO CORRECT THAT SITUATION sooner rather than later – we owe it to our for-bearers, ourselves and our children.

Get educated, active and involved – no matter your age, race, color, creed, sex, or religion – no matter who you are, this affects your future choices in so many areas.

Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, stated over a thousand years ago  “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”

We need to start embracing his wisdom and reclaiming this treasure from nature for the use and benefit of everyone. On an individual health basis, good natural nutrient rich food, herbs and spices have been a mainstay and remain so.

The list of diseases and conditions that see beneficial results from cannabis therapy in one of it’s various forms is truly staggering. The most effective results are obtained from the real plant.

We, every mother, father, brother, sister, son, daughter, niece or nephew who has someone in our life who has or is suffering needlessly are the ones who need to speak up and do our part for change to occur.

Change that is long overdue and much needed. It can come about and it will as sure as the sun will rise tomorrow. 100 years from now this prohibition will be looked back upon much like the Alcohol Prohibition. That was changed because of the masses speaking up, so will this situation.

Pharmaceutical companies have created some synthetic drugs but the efficacy is not there and likely never will be.

Illnesses Treatable with Medical Cannabis Therapy

Pain relief


Spasticity in multiple sclerosis

Alzheimer’s disease

Breast cancer


Brain cancer

Opioid dependence

Controlling ALS symptoms

Crohn’s Disease



Below is a general list of ailments with symptoms or ailments that proponents claim can be treated with medical marijuana.

There may be some duplication from the list above
Acquired Hypothyroidism Hepatitis C,
Acute Gastritis HIV/AIDS ,
Agoraphobia Hospice Patients,
AIDS Related Illness Huntington’s Disease,
Alcohol Abuse Hypertension,
Alcoholism Hyperventilation,
Alopecia Areata Hypoglycemia,
Alzheimer’s Disease Impotence,
Amphetamine Dependency Inflammatory Autoimmune-mediated Arthritis,
Amyloidosis Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD),
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Insomnia,
Angina Pectoris Intermittent Explosive Disorder (IED),
Ankylosis Intractable Vomitting,
Anorexia Lipomatosis,
Anorexia Nervosa Lou Gehrig’s Disease,
Anxiety Disorders  Lyme Disease,
Any Chronic Medical Symptom that Limits Major Life Activities Lymphoma,
Arteriosclerotic Heart Disease Major Depression,
Arthritis  Malignant Melanoma,
Arthritis (Rheumatoid) Mania,
Arthropathy, Gout Melorheostosis,
Aspergers Meniere’s Disease,
Asthma Motion Sickness,
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD/ADHD) Mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS),
Autism Multiple Sclerosis (MS),
Autoimmune Disease Muscle Spasms,
Back Pain  Muscular Dystrophy,
Back Sprain Myeloid Leukemia,
Bell’s Palsy Nail-Patella Syndrome,
Bipolar Disorder Nightmares,
Brain Tumor, Malignant Obesity,
Bruxism Obsessive Compulsive Disorder,
Bulimia Opiate Dependence,
Cachexia Osteoarthritis,
Cancer  Panic Disorder,
Cancer, Adrenal Cortical  Parkinson’s Disease,
Cancer, Endometrial  Peripheral Neuropathy,
Cancer, Prostate Peritoneal Pain,
Cancer, Testicular Persistent Insomnia,
Cancer, Uterine  Porphyria
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Post Polio Syndrome (PPS),
Cerebral Palsy Post-traumatic Arthritis,
Cervical Disk Disease Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD),
Cervicobrachial Syndrome Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS),
Chemotherapy Prostatitis,
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Psoriasis,
Chronic Pain  Pulmonary Fibrosis,
Chronic renal failure Quadriplegia,
Cocaine Dependence Radiation Therapy, (Learn more)
Colitis Raynaud’s Disease,
Conjunctivitis Reiter’s Syndrome,
Constipation Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS),
Crohn’s Disease Rheumatoid Arthritis,
Cystic Fibrosis Rheumatoid Arthritis,
Damage to Spinal Cord Nervous Tissue Rosacea,
Darier’s Disease Schizoaffective Disorder,
Degenerative Arthritis Schizophrenia,
Degenerative Arthropathy Scoliosis,
Delirium Tremens Sedative Dependence,
Dermatomyositis Seizures,
Diabetes, Adult Onset Senile Dementia,
Diabetes, Insulin Dependent Severe Nausea,
Diabetic Neuropathy Shingles (Herpes Zoster),
Diabetic Peripheral Vascular Disease Sinusitis,
Diarrhea Skeletal Muscular Spasticity,
Diverticulitis Sleep Apnea,
Dysthymic Disorder Sleep Disorders,
Eczema, Spasticity,
Emphysema, Spinal Stenosis,
Emphysema, Sturge-Weber Syndrome (SWS),
Endometriosis, Stuttering,
Epidermolysis Bullosa, Tardive Dyskinesia (TD),
Epididymitis, Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ),
Epilepsy, Tenosynovitis,
Felty’s Syndrome, Terminal Illness,
Fibromyalgia, Thyroiditis,
Friedreich’s Ataxia, Tic Douloureux,
Gastritis, Tietze’s Syndrome,
Genital Herpes, Tinnitus,
Glaucoma, Tobacco Dependence,
Glioblastoma Multiforme, Tourette’s Syndrome,
Graves Disease, Trichotillomania,
Headaches, Cluster, Viral Hepatitis,
Headaches, Migraine, Wasting Syndrome,
Headaches, Tension, Whiplash,
Hemophilia A, Wittmaack-Ekbom’s Syndrome,
Henoch-Schonlein Purpura, Writers’ Cramp,

Here are few links to some very informative offerings – but there is so much more.

PBS DOCUMENTARY – Clearing the Smoke: The Science of Cannabis


The Best Marijuana Documentary (Canadian)


The Power of RAW Cannabis..avi

Cannabis Facts – Nutrition, (Hemp Oil, Hemp Hearts)

Cannabis International Foundation – A Resource For The Dietary And Medicinal Study And Use Of Cannabis

Learn about the amazing health benefits of juicing raw cannabis (marijuana) leaves

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/035759_cannabis_juicing_health.html#ixzz2c3zuVndQ

80 Awesome Uses For COCONUT OIL, In Your Home and Your Health

80 Awesome Uses For COCONUT OIL, In Your Home and Your Health

from Holly Capron

Be sure to buy organic coconut oil – cold pressed. Most Walmart’s and Costco’s carry it on the aisle with the other cooking oils , also health food stores should have it as well.

Personal Hygiene/Body:

1. Moisturizer – simply scoop some out of the jar and apply all over your body, including neck and face.
2. Eye cream – apply under the eyes to reduce puffiness, bags, and wrinkles. Use on the lids in the evening.
3. Preshave – coconut oil will prep skin for the pending damage caused by shaving.
4. Aftershave – coconut oil will help heal your skin after shaving without clogging pores.
5. Deodorant – coconut oil alone can be used as a deodorant, but even more effective in combination with cornstarch/arrowroot powder and baking soda!
6. Hair Conditioner/Deep Treatment – use as a leave in hair conditioner by applying a teaspoon of coconut oil to your ends and then running your fingers through your hair to distribute the rest! For a deeper treatment, rub in a tablespoon of coconut oil onto your dry scalp and gently work through to the ends. Put a shower cap on to prevent transfer onto bed linens and leave on overnight.
7. Hair Gel/Defrizzer – rub a little between your palms and either scrunch into hair (for curly hair) or finger comb in through from scalp to ends (for wavy/straight hair).
8. Toothpaste – there are numerous recipes out there but I just mix coconut oil and baking soda and dab a little of the mix on my toothbrush.
9. Make up remover – use a cotton swab and a dab of coconut oil and you would be amazed at how well it works!
10. Chapstick – just rub a little into lips and it not only acts as a softening agent but it also has an SPF of about 4 so you get a little protection!
11. Massage Oil – pretty simple; grab some and rub!
12. Lubricant – it is an all natural, perfectly safe personal lubricant. Not compatible with latex!
13. Sunscreen
14. Stretch Mark Cream – coconut oil is great at nourishing damaged skin. It may not be the magic stretch mark cure but it will help.
15. Nipple Cream – works great to nourish cracked, sore, or dry nipples. Apply to a cotton ball and leave on your nipples between feedings.
16. Diaper salve – very comforting on a rashy bum with no harsh chemicals. Also safe for cloth diapers.
17. Cradle cap – having issues with dry skin on your baby’s scalp? Coconut oil will not only nourish your baby’s skin, it also helps eliminate cradle cap. Just rub a teaspoon onto scalp daily.
18. Body scrub – mix coconut oil and sugar together and rub all over! Rinse off and your skin will be super soft! You can add in essential oils if you would like a specific smell.
19. Healing – when applied on scrapes and cuts, coconut oil forms a thin, chemical layer which protects the wound from outside dust, bacteria and virus. Coconut oil speeds up the healing process of bruises by repairing damaged tissues. Plus, it smells a heck-of-a-lot better than anything from the pharmacy.
20. Bug Bites – when applied directly to a bug bite, coconut oil can stop the itching and burning sensation as well as hasten the healing process.
21. Skin problems – coconut oil relieves skin problems such as psoriasis, dermatitis, and eczema.
22. Swimmers Ear – mix garlic oil and coconut oil and put a few drops in affected ear for about 10 minutes. Do this 2-3 times a day and it usually works within one or two days.

General Health and Wellness:

23. Stress Relief – relieve mental fatigue by applying coconut oil to the head in a circular, massaging motion. The natural aroma of coconuts is extremely soothing thus helping to lower your stress level.
24. Digestion – the saturated fats in coconut oil have anti-bacterial properties that help control, parasites, and fungi that cause indigestion and other digestion related problems such as irritable bowel syndrome. The fat in coconut oil also aids in the absorption of vitamins, minerals and amino acids, making you healthier all around.
25. Fitness – coconut oil has been proven to stimulate your metabolism, improve thyroid function, and escalate energy levels, all of which help decrease your unwanted fat, while increasing muscle.
26. Nose bleeds – coconut oil can prevent nose bleeding that is caused by sensitivity to weather such as extreme hotness and extreme coldness. This condition happens when the nasal passages become dry because of cold or dry air resulting to burns and cracks in the mucus membranes so bleeding happens. To prevent this just put coconut oil in you nostrils. Coat your finger with coconut oil and then lie down and coat your finger inside your nose. Doing this will strengthen and protect the capillaries in the nasal passages. A Vitamin C supplement will also help prevent nose bleeding.
27. For breastfeeding moms, consuming 3 ½ tablespoons of coconut oil daily will enrich your milk supply.
28. Helps with weight loss & controlling cravings.
29. Helps keep blood sugar levels stable and/or helps with cravings in those with diabetes.

Health Problems (that coconut oil is known for aiding, relieving, or even curing when taken internally):

30. Eczema – in addition to taking it internally, many have success applying it externally, some don’t
31. Skin problems
32. Toenail fungus
33. Hot flashes
34. Bleeding hemorrhoids (can also be applied externally twice a day)
35. HIV >>>ONLY to help by soothing sores
36. Head lice – use with anise oil
37. Improvements in menstruation regarding pain/cramps and heavy blood flow
38. Migraines (with regular use)
39. Mononucleosis
40. Parasites
41. Thrush
42. Relieve gallbladder pain
43. Has helped some people improve symptoms of an under-active thyroid gland, results have shown subsequent thyroid blood tests becoming normal
44. Energy boost
45. Flaky, dry skin
46. May relieve acid reflux and indigestion when taken with each meal
47. Adrenal fatigue
48. Alzheimer’s
49. H. pylori
50. Candida Albicans
51. Asthma, even in children
52. Autism
53. Cholesterol – improves HDL (‘good’ cholesterol) to LDL (‘bad’ cholesterol) ratio in people with high cholesterol
54. Chronic fatigue
55. Circulation/feeling cold all the time
56. Stronger immune system
57. Mental Clarity
58. Depression
59. Helps with inflammation in Crohn’s

Health Problems (that coconut oil is known for aiding, relieving, or even curing when applied topically):

60. Athletes foot
61. Back pain/sore muscles
62. Canker sores
63. Acne
64. Cellulite
65. Herpes (applied topically and taken internally)
66. Genital warts (through topical application over 6 weeks, and coconut oil enemas twice a day depending on the location of the warts)
67. Circumcision healing –  I have read that coconut oil is a really great healer for this.


68. Use 1 cup to 1 cup ratio when replacing other oils/butter in recipes with coconut oil.
69. Replacement for butter/lard/Crisco/PAM in it’s solid form – greasing pans, pie crusts, etc.
70. Replacement for various oils in liquid form – baking, cooking, sauteing, etc.
71. Nutritional supplement – melt and add to smoothies.

Other Uses:

72. Insect repellent – mix coconut oil with peppermint oil extract and rub it all over exposed skin. Keeps insects off better than anything with Deet! Tons safer too.
73. Great for dogs and cats for general wellness. Just add a teaspoon to their water bowl daily.
74. Goo Gone – just mix equal parts coconut oil and baking soda into a paste. Apply to the “sticky” area and let it set for a minute. Then scrub off with an old toothbrush or the scrubby side of a sponge.
75. Chewing Gum in Hair Remover – just rub some coconut oil over the stuck chewing gum, leave in for about 30 minutes, then roll the gum between your fingertip. Voila! It’s out!
76. Polish Furniture – coconut oil with a little bit of lemon juice to polish wood furniture. However, I recommend you test it first on a very small, unobtrusive part of your furniture to make sure it works the way you’d like.
77. Polishing Bronze – all you have to do is rub a little oil into a cotton towel and then wipe down the statue. It cleans and helps deepen the color of your bronze.
78. Seasoning animal hide drums
79. Seasoning cookware
80. Moisturizing and cleaning leather products

**Reposter’s Note  – I had heard a number of positive and negative comments about coconut, so a few month’s back I started researching and was astonished at what I have found.  It quite humbling that one natural thing that can be so useful and so beneficial.

That Coconut can help us replace so many chemicals, drugs and processed fats so effectively, is mind boggling.  Now I understand the controversy – a lot of companies stand to loose market share to a lowly fruit.  As consumers become more educated, they typically  make make changes in their purchases. There is nothing more vocal in today’s society than the use the wallet to choose.

I have replaced all of my cooking  and baking oils except butter with Coconut Oil.  I am thrilled with how well it works, It browns foods beautifully, handles high heat really well without burning, seems to keep baking moist longer, works as both a liquid or a solid. I keep it on my counter as it does not require refrigeration so it is always handy. For liquid form, I just stick my glass measuring cup in warm water and the coconut oil becomes liquid quite quickly. Because it stays solid, it is great to take camping etc.

It is super for burns – immediately put solid coconut oil on a burn – it melts and makes an oil barrier,  keeping air away from the burn. The pain quickly recedes and the blisters are much smaller and heal faster. Keep applying the coconut oil until burn is healed, it keeps scarring to a minimum if any.

Excellent moisturizer and hair conditioner. 1/4 tsp in your bath water for the last few minutes and your skin is silky smooth but hydrated. A tiny bit rubbed into hair after light towel drying does wonders for frizz and split ends.  Makes fine hair much more manageable.  It is something very safe that if  young children get into in the bathroom, it can’t hurt them.

I am finding that there are a lot of products that have chemicals that I am not replacing because i don’t need to.
Play with it, if you think it might work for something , try it out  – I am sure, like me – you will be more pleasantly surprised than you ever expected.
Here are some  other posts you may find interesting.

Thyroid Medication – OUT, Coconut Oil IN.

The Coconut Oil Miracle

10 health Benefits of Virgin Coconut Oil

Get Off Your Thyroid Medication And Start Consuming Coconut Oil

Why You Should Use COCONUT OIL – 9 Benefits For Skin, Body And Soul

Benefits of Coconut Water

Coconut Oil Pulling Therapy – Excellent Detox & Wellness Rejuvenator

Coconut Articles  – feel free to  search this blog for other previous posts I may have missed.