Tag Archive | Heart

Cinnamon Combined With Magnesium Decreases Blood Pressure More Than Any Hypertension Medication In The World

Cinnamon Combined With Magnesium Decreases Blood Pressure More Than Any Hypertension Medication In The World

cinnamon22222 Cinnamon Combined With Magnesium Decreases Blood Pressure More Than Any Hypertension Medication In The World

by Mae Chan

Supplementation with cinnamon has been found to lower blood pressure in pre-diabetic and diabetic people. Cinnamon combined with magnesium, diet and lifestyle changes may lead to overall reductions in blood pressure up to 25mm Hg, a reduction lower than any hypertension medication can achieve without side effects.

Data from 22 trials with magnesium supplements revealed that the mineral may reduce systolic and diastolic blood pressure, researchers from the University of Hertfordshire report in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Combined with diet and lifestyle changes, magnesium and cinnamon supplementation may lead to an overall reduction of up to 25mm Hg more than any hypertension medication in the world with the advantage of no adverse effects.

Even Cinnamon Alone Will Reduce Blood Pressure

Valued in ancient times as currency and once considered more precious than gold, cinnamon — one of the world’s oldest known spices — has one of the highest antioxidant values of all foods and its use in medicine treats everything from nausea to menstruation and energy to diabetes.

“Cinnamon itself has insulin-like activity and also can potentiate the activity of insulin. The latter could be quite important in treating those with type 2 diabetes. Cinnamon has a bio-active component that we believe has the potential to prevent or overcome diabetes,” researcher Don Graves said in a prepared statement.

When it comes to the highest antioxidant values on the ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) scale, cinnamon comes in third only lower than clove and sumac. ORAC units or “ORAC score” were developed by the National Institute on Aging in the National Institutes of Health (NIH). While the exact relationship between the ORAC value of a food and its health benefit has not been established, it is believed that foods higher on the ORAC scale will more effectively neutralize free radicals. According to the free-radical theory of aging, this will slow the oxidative processes and free radical damage that can contribute to age-related degeneration and disease.

Numerous studies have reported that cinnamon and the compounds it contains may improve parameters associated with diabetes. The meta-analysis, performed by scientists from the University of Toronto (Canada), the University of West London (UK), and London South Bank University (UK) is said to be the first to evaluate the effects of cinnamon on blood pressure in diabetics.

Cinnamon alone without any diet and lifestyle changes is associated with reductions in systolic and diastolic blood pressure of 5.39 and 2.6 mmHg, report scientists in Nutrition .

Out of a possible 93 identified studies, Dr Akilen and his co-workers limited their meta-analysis to only three randomized clinical trials, two of which included diabetics while the third was with pre-diabetics.

The doses of cinnamon used in the studies ranged from 500 mg to 2.4 grams per day, and all the studies lasted for 12 weeks.

Crunching the numbers yielded the result that cinnamon intake was associated with significant decreases in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

Commenting on the potential mechanisms of action, Dr Akilen and his co-workers said that a recent review had “confirmed that cinnamon and components of cinnamon have been shown to have beneficial effects on virtually all of the factors associated with metabolic syndrome, including insulin sensitivity, glucose, lipids, antioxidants, inflammation, blood pressure, and body weight.”

“In summary, this meta-analysis of three RCTs indicates that the consumption of cinnamon (short term) is associated with notable reduction of systolic and diastolic blood pressure in patients with prediabetes and [type-2 diabetes],” they wrote.

“However, the precise relationship between blood pressure regulation and the effect of cinnamon in humans remains unclear and to be established in future studies.”

Read the full article here: http://preventdisease.com/news/13/082313_Cinnamon-Combined-With-Magnesium-Decreases-Blood-Pressure-More-Than-Any-Hypertension-Medication-In-World.shtml


Mae Chan holds degrees in both physiology and nutritional sciences. She is also blogger and and technology enthusiast with a passion for disseminating information about health.


Excellent article from http://healthimpactnews.com  Thank You

Here are links to information on an all natural solutions that literally reverse Cardiovascular and Cardiopulmonary Disease. Interestingly combining natural foods and herbs is scientifically being shown to be the most effective. The added bonus is, the side effects of all natural solutions are better health not a myriad of additional health concerns.

Take a look at http://www.heartpro.me/ It will give you a really great overview of the science as well as the benefits.

This study shows 33 of 33 participants all getting significantly better results than those derived from invasive and pharmacological treatments.Getting the body to produce Nitric Oxide itself through supplementation doesn’t just reduce symptoms, it actually reverses damage though out the whole body.

The study demonstrates effective combining synergistic natural foods.Results show the whole is much greater than the sum of the parts. HDHI-High Desert Heart Institute ProArgi9+ Study 

Here are a couple of posts I have done on Pro-Argi9+

High Desert Heart Institute Clinical Trial of The #1 All Natural Solution to Cardiovascular, Cardiopulmonary Disease and so much more.

Circulatory Problems, Lessened Naturally

Below are a couple of videos I really encourage you to watch. This very knowledgeable fellow gets rid of a lot of the myth and explains the realities. It is less than an hour in total but he sums up all the bits and pieces plus more that = a really great education in a short amount of time. The product he alludes to but does not identify is Pro-Argi9+, He also explains Vitamin D. 4 Scoops of Pro-Argi9+ will give you 10,000 IUs’ day. in the US and 4000 IUs in Canada.

Ordering or contact information can be found in the posts above

What Doctors Will Not Tell You – Part 1 

What Doctors Will Not Tell You – Part 2

Here is a link to over 40 videos about Pro-Argi9+ and also on the results experienced – Many different health concerns are addressed


Good health is very possible when we know what to do.This blog was created to share tools based in nature that work for everyone. The only caveat is consistent use is required to obtain results. Nature continues to impress me as does the human body and the ability it has to repair itself, when it has the tools it needs to get the job done.***

101 Uses for Coconut Oil – A True, Whole Body-Mind Anti-Aging Solution & Skin Rejuvenator

101 Uses for Coconut Oil

****Reposters Note – Thank you to for this excellent post, 101 Uses for Coconut Oil.

Coconut Oil is one of those choices that is sure to benefit everyone who chooses to add it to their diets. Coincidentally,  it is as good for us externally as internally. Add to that, it is an  excellent all natural tool for all sorts of little jobs around the home. It is truly astonishing how many (not so natural) products it can replace in your cupboard, medicine cabinets and around the home.

Our local Costco carries an excellent Organic Cold Pressed Virgin Coconut Oil 1.5 kg (54 oz) for around $16.00.***

Coconut 101 Uses for Coconut Oil

I’ve said before that I am with coconut oil like the dad in “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” is with windex… I use it for everything. Right now, I have a five gallon bucket of it sitting next to my desk because we use so much and I don’t have anywhere else to keep it…

Today, I’m sharing my top 101 (yes 101!!) uses for coconut oil:

Uses for Coconut Oil

  1. In cooking as a great oil with a high smoke point. Great for baking, stir-frys or as a dairy free replacement to butter.
  2. Taken supplementally for daily energy
  3. As a coffee creamer when emulsified into coffee (The only way I’ll drink coffee)
  4. On the skin as a basic lotion
  5. In homemade lotion bars for soft, smooth skin
  6. In homemade deodorant or deodorant bars
  7. As an eye-makeup remover
  8. As a cloth diaper safe diaper cream (just rub on baby’s bottom)
  9. In making your own Remineralizing Toothpaste
  10. To lighten age spots when rubbed directly on the skin
  11. To prevent stretch marks during pregnancy
  12. To support healthy thyroid function
  13. In homemade Mayo without the high PUFA vegetable oils
  14. To help increase sun tolerance and avoid burning
  15. As a naturally SPF 4 sunscreen
  16. In homemade lotion recipes
  17. To get rid of cradle cap on baby- just massage in to head, leave on for a few minutes and gently rinse with a warm wash cloth
  18. Topically to kill yeast or yeast infections
  19. As a delicious tropical massage oil
  20. It’s high Lauric acid and MCFA content helps boost metaboism
  21. A tiny dab rubbed on your hands and then through hair will help get rid of friz
  22. As an intensive nighttime facial moisturizer
  23. Mixed with equal parts sugar for a smoothing body scrub (use in the shower)
  24. Rubbed on lips as a natural chap stick
  25. Topically, can help skin heal faster after injury or infection
  26. Directly on the perineum to help heal after birth
  27. As an incredibly intensive natural conditioner- Rub into dry hair, put a shower cap on and leave for several hours
  28. On feet to fight athlete’s foot or tor fungus
  29. In place of Lanolin cream on nursing nipples to sooth irritation (also great for baby!)
  30. Can help sooth psoriasis or eczema
  31. There is some evidence that regular ingestion of coconut oil can help prevent or reverse Alzheimers
  32.  With apple cider vinegar as a natural treatment for lice that actually works
  33. In natural Homemade Sunscreen
  34. In healthy brain boosting snack for kids like Coconut Clusters
  35. In a filling and energy boosting Brain Powder Smoothie
  36. Rub coconut oil on the inside of your nose to help alleviate allergy symptoms
  37. Nursing moms can take 3-4 tablespoons a day (and Vitamin D) to increase milk supply and nutrients
  38. There is some evidence that coconut oil helps digestion and may even kill intestinal parasites or yeast
  39. Mix a tablespoon with a tablespoon of chia seeds for an all-day energy boost (do NOT take this at night!)
  40. Can help improve insulin levels
  41. Oil pulling with coconut oil and a drop of oregano oil helps improve gum health
  42. Can help improve cholesterol ratios
  43. Blend a tablespoon into hot tea to help speed recovery from cold or flu
  44. In Homemade Natural Bug-Off Lotion Bars
  45. As a replacement for vegetable oils in any recipe
  46. Better for high-temperature cooking than olive or vegetable oils
  47. Can help reduce appearance of varicose veins
  48. After initial heat is gone, can help speed healing of sunburn
  49. Is an immediate source of energy when eaten and isn’t stored as fat
  50. As a natural personal lubricant that won’t disturb vaginal flora
  51. As a naturally antibacterial skin cream
  52. In natural homemade diaper cream
  53. As a natural shave cream and after shave lotion
  54. When used consistently on skin it can help get rid of cellulite
  55. To season cast iron skillets
  56. It’s anti-inflammatory properties can help lessen arthritis
  57. Can reduce the itch of mosquito bites
  58. Can help resolve acne when used regularly
  59. Can be rubbed into scalp daily to stimulate hair growth
  60. I’ve used in kids ears to help speed ear infection healing
  61. On split ends to de-frizz
  62. A small amount can be rubbed into real leather to soften and condition (shiny leather only… test a small area first)
  63. By itself as a great tanning oil
  64. Mixed with salt to remove dry skin on feet
  65. Can help speed weight loss when consumed daily
  66. Can help improve sleep when taken daily
  67. Can be used to speed healing of fungal infections when taken internally and used externally
  68. A tablespoon melted into a cup of warm tea can help sooth a sore throat
  69. To help sooth the itch of chicken pox or poison ivy
  70. It has been shown to increase absorption of calcium and magnesium
  71. Internally as part of the protocol to help remineralize teeth
  72.  Some evidence shows that the beneficial fats in coconut oil can help with depression and anxiety
  73. By itself as a natural deodorant
  74. By itself or with baking soda as a naturally whitening toothpaste
  75. For pets struggling with skin issues when used externally
  76. Some evidence suggests that the beneficial fats in coconut oil are helpful for those with Autism
  77. In homemade vapor rub
  78. As a safe cooking oil for deep frying
  79. A tablespoon taken before each meal can help improve digestion
  80. Can be taken in warm ginger tea to sooth heartburn or nausea
  81. As a completely natural baby lotion
  82. On hands after doing dishes to avoid dry skin
  83. Mixed with catnip, rosemary, or mint essential oils as a natural bug repellent
  84. Can be used on mom’s nipple and baby’s mouth to help treat thrush
  85. Many use it as an anti-aging facial moisturizer
  86. Use to make coconut cream concentrate for a brain boosting snack
  87. Can be used internally and externally to speed recovery from UTIs
  88. When taken regularly, it can help fight candida
  89. When taken regularly, it can boost hormone production
  90. Can relieve the pain of hemorrhoids when used topically
  91. Can boost circulation and help those who often feel cold
  92. On cuticles to help nails grow
  93. Rub into elbows daily to help alleviate dry, flaky elbows
  94. Add to smoothies to give them a nutritional boost
  95. Internally during pregnancy to help provide baby necessary fats for development (especially when taken with Fermented Cod Liver Oil)
  96. In any recipes where vegetable oils are used
  97. Whipped with shea butter for a soothing body balm
  98. One reader swears by using coconut oil to treat yeast infection. She suggests soaking a tampon in it and inserting the tampon for a few hours.
  99. Naturally clears up cold sores
  100. Ingesting coconut oil daily can help with allergy symptoms
  101. Ingesting coconut oil daily can increase mental alertness
You can also check out my recipe index or Start Here Page for many more recipes that use coconut oil!

 What Kind of Coconut Oil?

For external uses, expeller pressed or other types of refined coconut oil will work, but for internal use, an unrefined virgin coconut oil is best. My husband and I both take about 4 tablespoons a day and the kids get a couple tablespoons in food, smoothies, or hot herbal tea.


Links to other  Coconut Oil posts from All About Wellness Solutions – A cornucopia of varied information

Coconut Oil Pulling Therapy – Excellent Detox & Wellness Rejuvenator

Homemade Toothpaste With Coconut Oil – Health & Heart Smart

Get Off Your Thyroid Medication And Start Consuming Coconut Oil

Why You Should Use COCONUT OIL – 9 Benefits For Skin, Body And Soul

10 health Benefits of Virgin Coconut Oil

80 Awesome Uses For COCONUT OIL, In Your Home and Your Health

13 Evidence-Based Medicinal Properties of Coconut Oil

What – You Still Think Salt Consumption Causes High Blood Pressure?

What – You Still Think Salt Consumption Causes High Blood Pressure?

October 23rd, 2013salt blood pressure 263x164 What – You Still Think Salt Consumption Causes High Blood Pressure?
High sodium intake as a source of high blood pressure has been an unchallenged dogmatic mantra for decades. But a few renegade MDs, several naturopaths, and chiropractors have challenged the unproven hypothesis of salt being the basis of high blood pressure (HBP). Turns out that the link between high sodium intake and elevated blood pressure is a false one.

Pure, unrefined salt is actually a necessary and helpful dietary component. Perhaps the most well known salt promoter is Dr. David Brownstein, MD, author of Salt Your Way to HealthRefined commercial table salt, used excessively in processed foods, is processed with toxic chemicals and stripped of its inherent nutritional value. It’s mostly poison with very little nutrition, though even using table salt often won’t lead to high blood pressure.

Actually, those with high blood pressure (and everyone, really) should just consume more foods rich in potassium. Meta-analysis’ show how low potassium intake has the same impact on blood pressure as high salt consumption – the real problem is an imbalance between sodium and potassium.

It appears the new HBP dietary villain could be high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), which has been already linked to obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular health issues.

HFCS is more commonly used in processed foods, fruit juices, sweets, and sodas than cane or beet sugar. It’s cheaper than sucrose (table sugar), and satisfies the “sweet tooth” SAD (standard American diet) consumers’ desire.

According to the USDA, HFCS consumption has increased significantly from 1970 to 2005, and it is now the number one source of empty calories in America. In fact, Americans eat approximately 35 lbs on average of high-fructose corn syrup each year.

How HFCS Contributes to Hypertension or High Blood Pressure

Fructose in fruit is tied to several other nutritional compounds that balance out fructose’s negative aspects. But fructose isolated from corn and made into a syrup is too much for the body to metabolize. Even table sugar metabolizes better.

Robert H. Lustig, MD, a Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology, explains how the rise in HFCS use over the past three to four decades is behind the obesity and diabetes epidemic, both of which contribute to high blood pressure.

HFCS or “corn sugar” or “corn syrup” initiates a toxic overload from insufficient metabolism. The liver doesn’t convert isolated, concentrated fructose into energy well and stores it as fat instead. Add this to the dangers of GMO corn with traces of extremely toxic glyphosate herbicides and mercury as a byproduct from the conversion process. This toxic overload leads to obesity, fatty liver, other liver complications, and kidney disease.

Dr. Richard Johnson of the University of Colorado has been a researcher of investigations into HFCS and high blood pressure. His research revealed definite links of high HFCS consumption to high blood pressure.

What’s more, one of the toxic waste products remaining in the body from regular HFCS consumption is uric acid. A test of 17 subjects with high uric acid counts showed all 17 with high blood pressure. Uric acid inhibits nitric oxide (NO) in the blood vessels.

Nitric oxide is a volatile gas that helps maintain blood vessel elasticity. When that elasticity decreases, blood pressure increases. Here are 4 ways to increase nitric oxide naturally.  (if you find that you can not increase NO through these suggestions see Deb’s Solution and the link below it. Nitric Oxide also dissolves plague in every blood vessel in the body including the brain so is extremely important in reversing and  preventing disease and it’s precursor inflammation)

A safe range of uric acid is from 3 to 5.5 milligrams per deciliter (0.1 liter), with 4 mg/dl ideal for men and 3.5 mg/dl for women. Higher numbers threaten blood pressure increases. You can ask your health professional about a uric acid test or shop the Internet by inserting “uric acid blood testing” in your search engine.

Additional Sources:




***Reposter’s note

I was uninformed about salt until a doctor friend pointed out saline is one of medicine faithful standbys. We were at dinner in the cafeteria and I commented on her bringing her own salt and that it was a good thing considering how much she used. She was using granulated Himalayan Sea Salt.

I use a wonderful all natural supplement that causes the body to naturally create more Nitric Oxide. Based on Nobel Prize winning Science, world renowned Cardiologists are turning to it as a solution. Attached is an article that demonstrates real world health total recovery from the abyss of heart disease after exhausting all medical options. One example highlights a 72 year old patient, who went from not being able walk across a room to a daily workout that that most healthy much younger individuals can not complete. Read his story.

Nitric Oxide  production is hugely important.  Nitric Oxide relaxes our blood vessels and dissolves plague.  Plaque causes heart attacks, stoke,   Alzheimers and  dementia. It plays a role in reducing function in every organ. The more Nitric Oxide we produce the healthier our blood vessels. The healthier our blood vessels, the better every part of our body works, that includes the brain and every organ of the body. Of course as we age, we progressively produce less Nitric Oxide – go figure.

My husband was told he would be on oxygen full time by the age of 50. His shortness of breath during exertion was becoming very concerning. I had taken him to emergency because I thought he was having a heart attack and he was scared enough to go. (He is very stubborn – getting him to go to the doctor only happens when he is in extreme pain  or very scared.) My solution has given him his stamina and ability to complete exertion tasks back to levels he was at many years ago. I was impressed enough, I have chosen to distribute the product and let other people know about it because it helped  my husband and will keep me from losing him before his time.

I am so thankful my friend Sharon educated me on this solution, I know she saved my husband’s life and health. I want to pay it forward so other spouses, sisters, brothers, children, parents and freinds at least have the knowledge to choose to do something effective and practical. Knowledge is power and for some of us this knowledge will give us the power to make a change that will gives us a a much healthier future.

Deb’s Solution

(ordering instructions available in link below). It is sometimes difficult to eat enough to over come imbalances when our health has been significantly impacted.

(includes ordering instructions)

Here is a post to help you find those high potassium foods.  Thank You to Health·Alicious·Ness .com for the following article. For even more information visit the full article.***

Top 10 Foods Highest in Potassium

Potassium is an essential nutrient used to maintain fluid and electrolyte balance in the body. A deficiency in potassium causes fatigue, irritability, and hypertension (increased blood pressure). Unless you are on dialysis, or have a special condition, overdose of potassium from natural sources is nearly impossible; however, it is possible to consume too much potassium via potassium salts which can lead to nausea, vomiting, and even cardiac arrest. Potassium from natural food sources, like the ones listed below, are considered safe and healthy. The current percent daily value for potassium is 3.5 grams. Below is a list of high potassium foods ranked by common serving sizes, for more please see the lists of high potassium foods by nutrient density, potassium rich foods, fruits high in potassium, and vegetables high in potassium.

#1: White Beans

Potassium in 100g 1 cup cooked (179g)
561mg (16% DV) 1004mg (29% DV)

Other Beans High in Potassium (%DV per cup): Adzuki (35%), Soy (28%), Lima (28%), Kidney (20%), Great Northern (20%), Pinto (18%) and others at an average of 15% DV per cup cooked. Click to see complete nutrition facts.

#2: Dark Leafy Greens (Spinach)

Potassium 100g (Raw) 1 Cup (Raw – 30g) 1 Cup (Cooked – 180g)
558mg (16% DV) 167mg (5% DV) 839mg (24% DV)

Other Greens High in Potassium (%DV per cup cooked): Swiss Chard (27% DV), Kale (8% DV), and Collards (6% DV).
Click to see complete nutrition facts.

#3: Baked Potatoes (With Skin)

Potassium 100g Average Potato (173g)
535mg (15% DV) 926mg (26% DV)

Warning: Potatoes are high in simple carbohydrates and not recommended for people with diabetes. Sweet potatoes are actually better for regulation blood sugar, an average baked sweet potato with skin (114g) provides 542mg (15% DV) of potassium. Click to see complete nutrition facts.

#4: Dried Apricots

Potassium 100g 1/2 cup (65g)
1162mg (33% DV) 755mg (22% DV)

Other Dried Fruits High in Potassium (%DV per 1/2 cup): Peaches (22% DV), Prunes (20% DV), Raisins (18% DV).
Warning: Dried fruits are high in sugar. Click to see complete nutrition facts.

#5: Baked Acorn Squash

Potassium 100g 1 cup cubed (205g)
437mg (12% DV) 899mg (26% DV)

Other Squash High in Potassium (%DV per cup baked): Hubbard (21%), Butternut (17% DV), Zucchini (14% DV), Average Winter Squash (10% DV). Click to see complete nutrition facts.

#6: Yogurt (Plain, Skim/Non-Fat)

Potassium 100g 1 cup (245g)
255mg (7% DV) 625mg (18% DV)

Other Yogurt High in Potassium (%DV per cup): Whole-Fat (11% DV), Chocolate Yogurt (24% DV). Click to see complete nutrition facts.

#7: Fish (Salmon)

Potassium 100g 1 3oz fillet (85g)
628mg (18% DV) 534mg (15% DV)

Other Fish High in Potassium (%DV per 3oz fillet (85g)): Pompano (15% DV), Lingcod (14% DV), Halibut (13% DV), Yellowfin Tuna (13% DV), Anchovies (12% DV), Mackerel (10% DV), Herring (10% DV) and most other fish at an average of 10% DV. Click to see complete nutrition facts.

#8: Avocados

Potassium 100g Average Avocado (201g) 1/2 Cup Pureed (115)
485mg (14% DV) 975mg (28% DV) 558mg (16% DV)

An average avocado provides 322 calories, half a cup purred contains 184 calories. Click to see complete nutrition facts.

#9: Mushrooms (White)

Potassium 100g 1 cup sliced (108g)
396mg (11% DV) 428mg (12% DV)

1 cup cooked sliced white mushrooms contain 28 calories.
Other mushrooms high in potassium (%DV per cup sliced): Portabella (9% DV), Brown or Crimini (9% DV), Enoki (7% DV), Shiitake (5% DV), Maitake (4% DV). Click to see complete nutrition facts.

#10: Bananas

Potassium 100g Average Banana(118g) 1 Cup Mashed (225)
358mg (10% DV) 422mg (12% DV) 806mg (23% DV)

An average banana provides 105 calories, 1 cup mashed contains 200 calories. Click to see complete nutrition facts.

Top 10 Foods Highest in Potassium

Potassium is an essential nutrient used to maintain fluid and electrolyte balance in the body. A deficiency in potassium causes fatigue, irritability, and hypertension (increased blood pressure). Unless you are on dialysis, or have a special condition, overdose of potassium from natural sources is nearly impossible; however, it is possible to consume too much potassium via potassium salts which can lead to nausea, vomiting, and even cardiac arrest. Potassium from natural food sources, like the ones listed below, are considered safe and healthy. The current percent daily value for potassium is 3.5 grams. Below is a list of high potassium foods ranked by common serving sizes, for more please see the lists of high potassium foods by nutrient density, potassium rich foods, fruits high in potassium, and vegetables high in potassium.

#1: White Beans

Potassium in 100g 1 cup cooked (179g)
561mg (16% DV) 1004mg (29% DV)

Other Beans High in Potassium (%DV per cup): Adzuki (35%), Soy (28%), Lima (28%), Kidney (20%), Great Northern (20%), Pinto (18%) and others at an average of 15% DV per cup cooked. Click to see complete nutrition facts.

#2: Dark Leafy Greens (Spinach)

Potassium 100g (Raw) 1 Cup (Raw – 30g) 1 Cup (Cooked – 180g)
558mg (16% DV) 167mg (5% DV) 839mg (24% DV)

Other Greens High in Potassium (%DV per cup cooked): Swiss Chard (27% DV), Kale (8% DV), and Collards (6% DV).
Click to see complete nutrition facts.

#3: Baked Potatoes (With Skin)

Potassium 100g Average Potato (173g)
535mg (15% DV) 926mg (26% DV)

Warning: Potatoes are high in simple carbohydrates and not recommended for people with diabetes. Sweet potatoes are actually better for regulation blood sugar, an average baked sweet potato with skin (114g) provides 542mg (15% DV) of potassium. Click to see complete nutrition facts.

#4: Dried Apricots

Potassium 100g 1/2 cup (65g)
1162mg (33% DV) 755mg (22% DV)

Other Dried Fruits High in Potassium (%DV per 1/2 cup): Peaches (22% DV), Prunes (20% DV), Raisins (18% DV).
Warning: Dried fruits are high in sugar. Click to see complete nutrition facts.

#5: Baked Acorn Squash

Potassium 100g 1 cup cubed (205g)
437mg (12% DV) 899mg (26% DV)

Other Squash High in Potassium (%DV per cup baked): Hubbard (21%), Butternut (17% DV), Zucchini (14% DV), Average Winter Squash (10% DV). Click to see complete nutrition facts.

#6: Yogurt (Plain, Skim/Non-Fat)

Potassium 100g 1 cup (245g)
255mg (7% DV) 625mg (18% DV)

Other Yogurt High in Potassium (%DV per cup): Whole-Fat (11% DV), Chocolate Yogurt (24% DV). Click to see complete nutrition facts.

#7: Fish (Salmon)

Potassium 100g 1 3oz fillet (85g)
628mg (18% DV) 534mg (15% DV)

Other Fish High in Potassium (%DV per 3oz fillet (85g)): Pompano (15% DV), Lingcod (14% DV), Halibut (13% DV), Yellowfin Tuna (13% DV), Anchovies (12% DV), Mackerel (10% DV), Herring (10% DV) and most other fish at an average of 10% DV. Click to see complete nutrition facts.

#8: Avocados

Potassium 100g Average Avocado (201g) 1/2 Cup Pureed (115)
485mg (14% DV) 975mg (28% DV) 558mg (16% DV)

An average avocado provides 322 calories, half a cup purred contains 184 calories. Click to see complete nutrition facts.

#9: Mushrooms (White)

Potassium 100g 1 cup sliced (108g)
396mg (11% DV) 428mg (12% DV)

1 cup cooked sliced white mushrooms contain 28 calories.
Other mushrooms high in potassium (%DV per cup sliced): Portabella (9% DV), Brown or Crimini (9% DV), Enoki (7% DV), Shiitake (5% DV), Maitake (4%

The Top 10 High Potassium Foods by Nutrient Density (Potassium per Gram)

#1: Dried Herbs (Parsley, Chervil, Corriander, Basil, Dill) 4740mg (135% DV) per 100 grams 95mg (3% DV) per tablespoon (2 grams) Click to see complete nutrition facts for Dried Herbs
#2: Sun-Dried Tomatoes 3427mg (98% DV) per 100 grams 69mg (2% DV) per piece (2 grams) Click to see complete nutrition facts for Sun Dried Tomatoes
#3: Cocoa Powder and Dark Chocolate 2509mg (72% DV) per 100 grams 125mg (4% DV) per tablespoon (5 grams) Click to see complete nutrition facts for Cocoa Powder
#4: Whey Powder 2289mg (65% DV) per 100 grams 69mg (2% DV) per tablespoon (3 grams) Click to see complete nutrition facts for Whey Powder
#5: Paprika and Chili Powder 2280mg (65% DV) per 100 grams 160mg (5% DV) per tablespoon (7 grams) Click to see complete nutrition facts for Paprika and Chili Powder
#6: Yeast Extract Spread (Marmite) 2100mg (60% DV) per 100 grams 126mg (4% DV) per teaspoon (6 grams) Click to see complete nutrition facts for Yeast Extract Spread (Marmite)
#7: Rice Bran 1485mg (42% DV) per 100 grams 1752mg (50% DV) per cup (118 grams) Click to see complete nutrition facts for Rice Bran
#8: Molasses 1464mg (42% DV) per 100 grams 293mg (8% DV) per tablespoon (20 grams) Click to see complete nutrition facts for Molasses
#9: Dry Roasted Soybeans 1364mg (39% DV) per 100 grams 2346mg (67% DV) per cup (172 grams) Click to see complete nutrition facts for Dry Roasted Soybeans
#10: Dry Seaweed (Spirulina) 1363mg (39% DV) per 100 grams 95mg (3% DV) per tablespoon (7 grams) Click to see complete nutrition facts for Dry Seaweed (Spirulina)

Other Potassium Rich Foods

Pistachios 1007mg (29% DV) per 100 gram serving 1239mg (35% DV) per cup (123 grams) 282mg (8% DV) per ounce (49 nuts or 28g) Click to see complete nutrition facts for Pistachios
Chestnuts 592mg (17% DV) per 100 gram serving 847mg (24% DV) per cup (143 grams) 166mg (5% DV) per ounce (3 nuts or 28g) Click to see complete nutrition facts for Chestnuts
Almonds 705mg (20% DV) per 100 gram serving 1008mg (29% DV) per cup (143 grams) 197mg (6% DV) per ounce (23 nuts or 28g) Click to see complete nutrition facts for Almonds
Cashews 565mg (16% DV) per 100 gram serving 774mg (22% DV) per cup (137 grams) 158mg (5% DV) per ounce (28g) Click to see complete nutrition facts for Cashews
Walnuts 441mg (13% DV) per 100 gram serving 441mg (13% DV) per cup halves (100 grams) 123mg (4% DV) per ounce (14 halves or 28g) Click to see complete nutrition facts for Walnuts
Squash and Pumpkin Seeds 919mg (26% DV) per 100 gram serving 588mg (17% DV) per cup (64 grams) 257mg (7% DV) per ounce (85 seeds or 28g) Click to see complete nutrition facts for Squash and Pumpkin Seeds
Sunflower Seeds 850mg (24% DV) per 100 gram serving 1088mg (31% DV) per cup hulled (128 grams) 238mg (7% DV) per ounce (85 seeds or 28g) Click to see complete nutrition facts for Sunflower Seeds
Watermelon Seeds 648mg (19% DV) per 100 gram serving 700mg (20% DV) per cup (108 grams) 181mg (5% DV) per ounce (28 grams) Click to see complete nutrition facts for Dried Watermelon Seeds
Coconut Water (Juice) 250mg (7% DV) per 100 gram serving 600mg (17% DV) in a cup (240 grams) 515mg (15% DV) per coconut (206 grams) Click to see complete nutrition facts for Coconut Water (Juice)
Orange Juice 200mg (6% DV) per 100 gram serving 496mg (14% DV) in a cup (248 grams) 172mg (5% DV) in the juice of one orange (86 grams) Click to see complete nutrition facts for Orange Juice
Brussels Sprouts (Raw) 389mg (11% DV) per 100 gram serving 342mg (10% DV) per cup (88 grams) 74mg (2% DV) per brussel sprout (19 grams) Click to see complete nutrition facts for Brussels Sprouts
Palm Hearts 177mg (5% DV) per 100 gram serving 258mg (26% DV) per cup (146 grams) 58mg (2% DV) per piece (33 grams) Click to see complete nutrition facts for Canned Palm Hearts
Clams 628mg (18% DV) per 100 gram serving 534mg (15% DV) per 3 ounce serving (85 grams) 1.2g (34% DV) in 20 small clams (190 grams) Click to see complete nutrition facts for Cooked Clams
Whelk 694mg (20% DV) per 100 gram serving 350mg (15% DV) per 3oz serving (85 grams) 117mg (5% DV) per ounce (28 grams) Click to see complete nutrition facts for Whelk
Dried Figs 680mg (19% DV) per 100 gram serving 1g (29% DV) per cup (149 grams) 54mg (2% DV) in a single fig (8 grams) Click to see complete nutrition facts for Dried Figs
Dates 696mg (20% DV) per 100 gram serving 167mg (5% DV) in a single large date (24 grams) Click to see complete nutrition facts for Dates (Medjool)

To find even more high potassium foods, use the nutrient ranking tool.

Health Benefits of Potassium

  • Osteoporosis Protection – Several studies have found a relation between increased bone density and increased intake of dietary potassium. These studies were true even for post menopausal women and older men.2-4
  • Reduced Risk of Stroke – Several observational studies have found that those with high potassium levels experience a lower risk of stroke. The health benefits are likely through reduction of blood pressure combined with a diet high in fruits and vegetables.5-9
  • Alleviation of High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) – Studies show that a diet high in potassium, especially potassium from fruits and vegetables, lowers blood pressure. This is especially true if the increase in potassium foods is not accompanied by an increase in high sodium foods. 10-12

People at Risk of a Potassium Deficiency

  • Alcoholics
  • People taking Diuretics – Especially thiazide or furosemide
  • Long distance athletes – People who exercise over long distances lose electrolytes via sweat and need to replenish their sodium, potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus levels.
  • Dehydration – People who consume excess alcohol, or suffer severe vomiting/diarrhea, or can be otherwise dehydrated need to replenish their sodium, potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus levels.
  • Anorexics or bulimics
  • People with a magnesium deficiency
  • People taking Certain Medications13,14
    • Beta-adrenergic agonists – Epinephrine
    • Decongestants – Pseudoephedrine, phenylpropanolamine
    • Bronchodilators – Albuterol, terbutaline, pirbuterol, isoetharine, fenoterol, ephedrine, isoproterenol, metaproterenol, theophylline
    • Tocolytic (labor suppressing) agents – Ritodrine, nylidrin
    • Diuretics – Acetazolamide, thiazides, chlorthalidone, indapamide, metolazone, quinethazone, bumetanide, ethacrynic acid, furosemide, torsemide
    • Mineralocorticoids – Fludrocortisone
    • Substances with mineralocorticoid effects – Licorice, carbenoxolone, gossypol
    • High-dose glucocorticoids
    • High-dose antibiotics – Penicillin, nafcillin, carbenicillin
    • Other – Caffeine, phenolphthalein, sodium polystyrene sulfonate

Read more at http://www.healthaliciousness.com/articles/food-sources-of-potassium.php#YJLLRDXrmsrWcmVy.99

Heart Health Breakthrough – Free Seminar

Heart Health Breakthrough – Free Seminar

Today 1 of 2 of us will get to experience the chocolate of Cardiovascular Disease

Do You or Someone you know suffer from High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol or Diabetes, Heart Disease, or Circulatory problems…………..?

Join me at a FREE SEMINAR to get answers and real solutions on Wed Oct 2, 2013.


Dan Austin – Critical Care Coordinator of the High Desert Heart Institute is gracing us with his presence and his knowledge.

Dan Austin  Dan Austin with Agelo Cici

“I owe him my life,” Angelo Cici said, crediting Austin with pioneering a study on a nutritional supplement that made the 74-year-old a new man. “It took me from wanting to walk through death’s door to feeling like I was 40 again.”

The High Desert Heart Institute,a very respected CARDIOVASCULAR HEALTH PIONEER that leads people to totally REVERSE Cardiovascular Disease without surgical intervention or pharmaceuticals.

Dan will be talking about the fantastic results they are observing in their patient base. He will be showing us exactly what we need to know and do so we can reap those same benefits.

Invest 90 minutes – and be rewarded with the tools backed by science, that when used, REVERSE Heart Disease and a myriad of other Health Conditions. BETTER YET. PREVENTION Tips and Tools to guide us all to the HEALTHIEST FUTURE.

Come Out and Be Informed.
Toronto: Monday Sept 30
EDMONTON: Wednesday Oct 2nd

Marriott at River Cree. 300 East Lapotac Blvd., Edmonton, AB (map)

7:30 – 9 PM REGISTRATION: 7:00 pm COST: Guests are FREE.

Please feel free to invite your healthcare provider or other members of the healthcare community – this knowledge will be invaluable to them professionally and personally.
 For those of you who can’t attend due to distance – check out this link.   

Circulatory Problems, Lessened Naturally

See the bottom of this post for information on an all natural product that works like Draino for the Circulatory System – The information and suggestions in this re-posted article that follows are excellent but for many it will not make a big enough difference to eliminate or reduce prescription drugs,  but the solution at the end of the post can.

More than 50% of the population will suffer from Cardiovascular Disease.

It is the #1 cause of death and kills more people annually than the next 6 causes combined(Cancer included).

1 out of 2 people who die of Heart Attack or Stroke have no previous symptoms hence the nickname ‘ The Silent Killer’

Circulation problems occur when the blood flow is limited to parts of the body such as hands, feet, brain, heart, and lungs. Plaque builds up in our arteries and causes the restriction of blood flow and hardening of the arterial walls. Some of the diseases that can be caused by this include hypertension, stroke, varicose veins, Raynaud’s phenomenon, blood clots, kidney disease, heart disease, and peripheral artery disease.

Poor blood circulation can impact the entire body, including:

  • Effects upon the brain – poor blood circulation can impact the brain causing fatigue, dizziness, memory loss, and frequent and unexplained headaches.
  • Effects upon the heart – poor blood circulation can have an impact on the heart, causing inability to perform simple aerobic activities like climbing stairs without breathlessness; high blood pressure and cholesterol, and chest pain can be other symptoms. Heart attack and stroke are major risks of poor circulation that remains untreated.
  • Effects upon the liver – symptoms of poor blood circulation in the liver can include lack of appetite or unexplained weight loss, and changes in skin tone.
  • Effects upon the kidneys – poor circulation to the kidneys are typically the result when there is swelling of the hands, feet and ankles. Other symptoms can include fatigue, altered heart rate and rise in blood pressure.
  • Effects upon the limbs – with poor circulation, cramps in the limbs, numbness and varicose veins can appear as symptoms.

Symptoms include :

  • Numbness, tingling, or loss of sensation in extremities
  • Cold hands, feet, or ears
  • Fatigue
  • Hair loss
  • Dizziness
  • Dry and/or Itchy Skin
  • Edema
  • Varicose veins
  • Leg or foot ulcerations
  • Headaches
  • Muscle cramps
  • Dandruff
  • Shortness of Breath
  • Sluggish Memory

Medical problems that can cause contribute to poor circulation include smoking, anxiety, diabetes, high cholesterol, weight gain, high blood pressure, heart problems, anemia, asthma, food allergies, bronchitis, pneumonia, emphysema, eating disorders, and many others. A doctor will need to determine the cause before administering treatment.

Mild cases can be improved with aerobic exercise and diet. A person should exercise regularly and eat a low-fat high-fiber diet. If the person has mobility problems due to a stroke or something similar regular assisted range of motion exercises will help.

Foods that improve circulation are fruits, especially those rich in Vitamin C and lycopene, think citrus, watermelon, and tomatoes, nuts, which are rich in Vitamin B3, garlic, and avoiding fatty and sugary foods.

Diet and exercise should be used at a pace you are comfortable with, in severe cases they should be used in conjunction with your doctor’s plan and advice. Inform your doctor of any changes you are making to diet and exercise.

Source: http://www.nativeremedies.com/ailment/increase-poor-blood-circulation.html

***A great natural product that I have spent a lot of time researching and have clients using with great success at reversing Cardiovascular Disease is Proargi 9+. It works like Draino in cleaning out plaque even in our smallest of blood vessel. With added blood flow, oxygen and nutrients to  every part of the body, our body works better so can and does repair itself over time.

Ladies – We now suffer more heart attacks than men!

Heart Disease can be reversed. 

ProArgi-9+ is one of the best products I have ever experienced. It changes Lives!

It is simple, easy and works for both men and women!

Backed by a 120 day money back Guarantee! – ProArgi-9+

Contact me (Deb) at allaboutwellness@mail.com for more info.

(Please do contact me  so I can guide you to seeing the quickest results as well as connecting you with the science and proven results)

Check out the following presentation to learn more . http://www.heartpro.me/

My other posts on this topic.

https://allaboutwellnesssolutions.wordpress.com/tag/cardiovascular-system/ .  Cardiovascular System – The science and real world studies on ProArgi-9+.


Should you want to order here is the link , My name is DEB ST JEAN  my ID number is 1309426


Where there are Synergy offices that ship orders –

Benefits of Coconut Water

So good for us – drink it, cook with it, add it to other beverages or shakes.


Thanks to Positive Med for another great Poster Find

Why You Should Use COCONUT OIL – 9 Benefits For Skin, Body And Soul

Nice little video – Enjoy! Thank You to The Sundance Family for the video.

Why You Should Use COCONUT OIL – 9 Benefits For Skin, Body And Soul

Skin Care
Replace all processed cooking vegetable oils with Coconut Oil
Make-up Remover
Massage Oil
Pre and After Shave
Deep Hair Conditioner, Split End Treatment
Burn Treatment
Natural Toothpaste
Coconut Oil Pulling

Health Benefits of Cabbage & Sauerkraut


***Reposters Note. Cabbage in whatever form offers numerous benefits. Sauerkraut was a staple in many cultures before the advent of processed and fast foods. I would encourage  readers to incorporate the unique flavor into you meals for variety as well as the numerous dietary benefits***

(NaturalNews) Sauerkraut combines the health benefits offered by all cruciferous vegetables (a category which includes cauliflowers and brussel sprouts as well as cabbage) with the probiotic advantages derived from the fermentation process.

Cabbage offers a host of health benefits. It is high in vitamins A and C. Studies have shown the cruciferous vegetables can help lower cholesterol levels. Cabbage also provides a rich source of phytonutrient antioxidants. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory properties, and some studies indicate it may help combat some cancers. However, this already helpful vegetable becomes a superfood when it is pickled.

The fermentation process used to make sauerkraut was probably first developed centuries ago simply as a means of preserving vegetables for easy consumption throughout the winter. The health benefits derived from pickling vegetables were already well-known to early civilizations. Historical evidence suggests laborers on the Great Wall of China consumed a version of the pickled cabbage dish 2,000 years ago.Traditional Chinese has long prescribed sauerkraut juice as a home remedy for many common ailments . The armies of Genghis Khan most likely first brought the dish to Europe. The Roman army traveled with barrels of sauerkraut, using it to prevent intestinal infections among the troops during long excursions.
In periods and cultures when natural healing methods fell into disuse, people consumed fewer fermented foods and were subject to more illness. Scurvy (vitamin C deficiency) killed many British sailors during the 1700s, especially on longer voyages. In the late 1770s, Captain James Cook circumnavigated the world without losing a single sailor to scurvy, thanks to the foods his ship carried, including sixty barrels of sauerkraut.Mainstream health experts began to pay renewed attention to sauerkraut after a study published in The Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry in 2002. Finnish researchers reported that in laboratory studies,a substance produced by fermented cabbage, isothiocyanates, helped prevent the growth of cancer.Even before the laboratory study, however, alternative health experts extolled the healing benefits of sauerkraut because of the lactic acid bacteria produced as a side-effect of the pickling process.Healthy human colons contain many beneficial bacteria which feed on the waste left over from our digestion, creating lactic acid. Without these beneficial bacteria the human digestive system becomes home to harmful parasites and yeasts, resulting in the condition of candida.

Sauerkraut provides a high density source of a wide range of beneficial live bacteria which assist in the digestive process. Consuming a serving of sauerkraut can give your body as much of a health boost as many of the expensive probiotic drinks and supplements sold in stores. However, most commercially sold sauerkraut have lost most of their beneficial bacterial organisms. To gain the most benefits from sauerkraut, you may want to purchase it freshly made, or learn how to make your own.If you want to explore recipes for making sauerkraut and other fermented dishes, an excellent place to start is with Sandor Ellis Katz’s Wild Fermentation: The Flavor, Nutrition and Craft of Live Culture Foods.In his book, Katz points out that “Fermentation not only preserves nutrients, it breaks them down into more digestible forms.” Katz, who also wrote The Revolution Will Not Be Microwaved: Inside America’s Underground Food Movements, recommends not only eating sauerkraut but drinking the juice which he calls “a rare delicacy and unparalleled digestive tonic.”Sources for this article include:

Thank You to Lifestyle Philippines, Natural News and Oasis Advanced Wellness for contributions to this post.

SALT – Medical Fact – You Need Salt

SALT – The Truth You Need To know

The article below reinforces what the medical community has known since the beginning of medicine, we need salt. But it is whole unprocessed salt we need. Salt in its natural forms has a multitude of natural minerals. Natural Sea Salt and Himalayan Sea Salt are good salt solutions.


A new study found that low-salt diets increase the risk of death from heart attacks and strokes and does not prevent high blood pressure.

The investigators found that the less salt people ate, the more likely they were to die of heart disease – 50 people in the lowest third of salt consumption (2.5 grams of sodium per day) died during the study as compared with 24 in the medium group (3.9 grams of sodium per day) and 10 in the highest salt consumption group (6.0 grams of sodium per day). And while those eating the most salt, had on average a slight increase in systolic blood pressure – a 1.71-millimetre increase in pressure for each 2.5-gram increase in sodium per day; they were no more likely to develop hypertension.

“If the goal is to prevent hypertension with lower sodium consumption, this study shows it does not work” said the lead author, Dr. Jan A. Staessen, a professor of medicine at the University of Leuven, in Belgium.

Dr. Alderman said the new study is not the only one to find adverse effects of low-sodium diets. He studied people who had “high blood pressure” and found that those who ate the least salt were most likely to die.

He also said “lowering salt consumption has consequences beyond blood pressure. It also, for example, increases insulin resistance, which can increase the risk of heart disease.”

 To survive and thrive, the body needs salt. That’s a medical fact. Consider the fact that persons in critical condition are often given intravenous injections (IV). IV’s are nothing more than purified water and salt. It has been said, “IV is the only cure that the doctor has in his bag of tricks.”

I once heard a story about a very rich man who had a lot of health problems. He supposedly tired of many surgeries and drugs and checked himself into the hospital and paid the doctors well to give him nothing more than an IV until he died. After his death an autopsy was performed and to the doctors’ amazement, every organ had completely healed.

It does make a person wonder when most people who receive an IV end up recovering, “Why do the doctors want to restrict salt in our diets?” Is it so you will eventually need an IV and they can charge your insurance company $600 or more for a pint of salt water?

The official food policy of our federal government aims to radically reduce salt levels, although medical evidence is mounting that a low-sodium diet risks diabetes, other diseases and premature death.

 “If the object is to reduce blood pressure then do it by increasing exercise or eating more salads and vegetables, as these have no negative consequences. Unfortunately, the salt reduction strategy being promoted at the UN Summit will have negative health outcomes,” said Morton Satin, Vice President of Science and Research at the Salt Institute.

Scientific American, the most authoritative publication explaining science for a broad audience, has analyzed recent medical studies on salt and reviewed more than a century of previous research to conclude, “It’s time to end the war on salt.”

The zealous drive by politicians to limit our salt intake has little basis in science.

Contrary to popular opinion, reducing salt intake does not improve the health of the heart or the circulatory system. A new study found that low-salt diets increase the risk of death from heart attacks and strokes and do not prevent high blood pressure.”

Benjamin Franklin states in his biography that when struck with a cold, he would go to the sea and drink the water. Because of the antiviral properties of sea salt, he was cured the next day.

My father and grandfather would both stir a heaping Tsp. of salt into a quart of warm water and drink it down at the beginning of the flu or a cold or any kind of food poisoning. That was normally the end of the problem. I have since carried on the practice with great results.

Certain cultures make a practice of drinking 1 tsp. of salt stirred into a glass of warm water first thing every morning on an empty stomach. Those who subscribe to this practice are among the healthiest people on the planet.

Frequently, I stir a tsp. of salt into 20 oz. of water the first thing in the morning and drink it down on an empty stomach. I may do this for days or weeks at a time. I have found it to be a very healthy practice.

I recommend a minimum intake of at least ½ tsp. salt daily, but it should be from a good source like Redmond Salt or Himalayan Salt available at most health food stores, or can be purchased at http://www.realsalt.com. Typical table salt is highly processed, overheated and has Aluminum added to prevent clumping.

Hippocrates (460 BC) the father of medicine discovered the therapeutic qualities of seawater by noticing the healing effects it had on the injured hands of fishermen. He then employed salt therapy by applying the age-old method of inhaling the steam from boiled salt water and also recommended that his understudies bathe in the ocean to reap all the benefits.

 Greek medicine had already discovered topical use of salt for skin lesions 2000 years ago along with drinking salty or mineralized waters for digestive troubles and inhaling salt for respiratory diseases.

(**RE- POSTERS NOTE:  Use a natural whole salt like a good Sea Salt or Himalayan Sea Salt, that in it’s natural state includes trace minerals our bodies need for optimal functioning. Precessed table salt is devoid of these vital elements and is basically sodium chloride fortified with small amounts of iodine. See recent post on the importance of iodine,



Documentation from Ocean Plasma, an organization whose mission is to re-educate the public about the importance of salt states:

The therapeutic importance of Sodium Chloride is well known. It was already employed with success by Amédé Latour (1830-1857) with pulmonary tuberculosis, by Martin Solon (1842) and by Bouchardat (1851) with diabetes, by Plouvier (1847) with toxemia, iron deficiency and anemia etc., by Piorry (1850), Gintrac (1850), Brugs (1851), Larière (1851), Villemin (1854), Hutchinson (1854), Moroschkin (1856), Piogh (1870) with intermittent fever, and was, and still is, heavily used by all modern [medical] facilities with a quotable quote intra-venous or subcutaneous injections for the most varied afflictions

High Desert Heart Institute Clinical Trial of The #1 All Natural Solution to Cardiovascular, Cardiopulmonary Disease and so much more.

High Desert Heart Institute Clinical Trial of Pro-Argi 9 +

The All Natural Solution to Cardiovascular, Cardiopulmonary Disease and so much more.


But if you ended up here – you are looking for a solution and you have found it.

So many times we are made promises of huge benefits by products only to be disappointed and that really angers me. Part of the reason for this blog is to share solutions that do live up to their promise.

This is by far the best solution I have ever come across, and it addresses so many areas of health. Our blood is the RIVER OF LIFE. Getting optimal blood supply to every cell of our body is a total game changer – I just think so many futures can be changed if I can get this information to the people who need to know about it.

The only way Pro-Argi 9 + will let you down is if – YOU ARE NOT CONSISTENT – YOU DO NOT TAKE ENOUGH.  How well Pro-Argi 9 +  works is 100% in your control. Yet the company gives an unheard of 120 day guarantee. I have seen them live up to it.

Pro- Argi9+ Available now in Europe, Asia, Australia, North America (full list at end of post)

Here is video from Dr. Prendergast.  His arteries were blocked at age 37.   I have met him – he is in his late 70’s, sharp as a tack. He is very direct in making it clear – his youthful appearance, vigor, quality of life and ability to maintain a daunting schedule are because of Pro-Argi9+.  He takes 4 scoops a day. He tells his story but also the story of  thousands of others from first hand because they are his patients.


ProArgi-9 Plus – Dr. Joe Prendergast – I would like to suggest you Google him and look at many of his other video’s. He is an excellent source of information on so many topics and is known as Dr. Diabetes worldwide.

BIG FYI – As Health Canada made Synergy reduce the Vitamin D for Canada – Synergy bumped up the L-Argenine and L-Citruline so now 1 CDN serving = 1.2 US servings. So 3 CDN servings now  = 3.6 US servings. This has been confirmed by Synergy Worldwide.

Why is this important – for those of you who need to get faster results the 3 pak also pretty much meets Dr. Prendergast’s 4 scoop a day recommendation. I think that is so awesome, as that makes it even more affordable for those Canadians who need to fast track the Draino effect for every blood vessel in their bodies.

Now in North America –  if you go on Auto-ship 100 – You get 3 canisters for $120 – this is a huge reduction as – without the Auto-ship 100 program the same 3 canisters is $162.00 (26% saving on a 3 pak)  42% savings over individual canister price. To go on Auto-ship 100 – The order must be called in. Info to do so below. You can choose to have this delivered every 1, 2, or 3 months. This will make it financially easier to BE CONSISTENT and TAKE ENOUGH to get more significant results sooner.

It took our bodies a lifetime to get into the current state – it will take time to reverse the current state. Most people should see measurable results in 90 days at a consistent 4 servings/day intake.( 3 servings in Canada) Many see results long before then but as we are individuals – we have individual responses.

Interview with Dan Austin of HDHI – 4 years later. Pro-Argi9+ on the ongoing health improvements people are receiving.

ProArgi-9 Plus – Testimonials from nine users

22 Reasons to Try ProArgi-9 Plus

PDF Print E-mail

The nitric oxide derived from arginine is directly or indirectly implicated in practically every cellular response and health condition imaginable, from the cardiovascular system to the immune system, and hormone function to nerve function.  Although an exhaustive list of possible applications for the amino acid is not included, the following are the primary scientifically backed reasons that anyone – even healthy people – should consider adding the arginine to their health and wellness regimen.

1. It is one thousand times more powerful than any naturally occurring antioxidant in the body.  Arginine`s antioxidant properties support various body system and may protect against heart disease, stroke, cancer, and diabetes, as well as slowing premature aging.

2. It may offer wide-ranging cardiovascular support, including controlling blood pressure and plaque formation. Nitric oxide can keep arteries relaxed and pliable for normal blood pressure, preventing hypertension and angina.

3. It may help enhance memory, particularly long-term memory, and may help to reverse the effects of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

4. It may help boost human growth hormone (HGH) production, which has anti-aging properties.

5. It may help enhance communication of messenger cells between nerves and the brain.

6. It may help improve immune function and fight bacterial infections.

7. It may help in the treatment and prevention of diabetes since many disease complications, including poor circulation and blindness, are vascular in nature. Arginine is also found to regulate insulin secretion in the pancreas.

8. It may help inhibit the division and proliferation of cancer cells.

9. It may help with cholesterol control by lowering serum and LDL cholesterol levels.

10. It may help enhance male sexual performance by treating vascular erectile dysfunction (ED).

11. Its anticoagulant abilities may help reduce clotting to lower heart attack and stroke risk.

12. It may help reduce pregnancy-related hypertension, a risk factor for both the expecting mother and the unborn child (please consult a physician before using Proargi 9 Plus/l-arginine during pregnancy).

13. It may be useful in the treatment of asthma by opening pulmonary pathways for easier breathing and the treatment of lung disorders.

14. It may relax hypertonic sphincter muscles, preventing and healing hemorrhoids.

15. It may help boost lean muscle mass and preserves bone density by encouraging HGH production, which also leads to a reduction in fatty tissue. Because af these properties, it may be useful in weight management and strength training.

16. It may help offset cardiovascular and lung damage caused by tobacco use, since nitric oxide levels in smokers are less than half of those found in non-smokers.

17. It may help to accelerate wound healing and post surgery recovery. Research has shown it is useful in treating burn wounds and stimulates wound healing in the elderly.

18. It may be useful in enhancing athletic performance due to its ability to boost exercise tolerance, its beneficial effect on the lungs, and its effect on HGH levels. Which helps with building lean muscle tissue.

19. It may be used to improve the function of the prostate.

20. It may prevent and possible reverse the effects of osteoporosis by positively affecting bone mass.

21. It has been used in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome and to reduce the occurrence of ulcers – especially stress- related – without affecting gastric acid production.

22. It may improve renal function and slow the progression of renal disease and age-related chronic renal failure.  Arginine`s protective effect on the kidneys may also benefit those with diabetes.

ProArgi-9 Plus is a revolutionary  product with far-reaching health benefits and powerful support ProArgi-9 Plus is Synergy’s top selling product and the cornerstone of any nutritional regimen. One serving contains 5,000 mg (5 grams) of elemental pharmaceutical grade l-arginine. Often referred to as the “miracle molecule,” l-arginine has potent health-enhancing properties. ******In Canada – One serving contains 6,000 mg (6 grams) of elemental pharmaceutical grade l-arginine. The  l-arginine/Citrulline ratio has been maintained. This has been confirmed by Synergy Worldwide.****** The remarkable properties of l-arginine were validated by the 1998 Nobel Prize in Medicine, and since then have created a frenzy of interest in the pharmaceutical and nutraceutical fields. The efficacy of l-arginine as a therapeutic agent has been validated by thousands of scientific clinical studies. ProArgi-9 Plus was formulated in collaboration with leading l-arginine researchers such as J. Joseph Prendergast and other cardiovascular specialists who have conducted pioneering research in the proper application of l-arginine in promoting cardiovascular health. These experts have helped create the best l-arginine product on the market. L-arginine is best known for its cardiovascular benefits. In the body, l-arginine is converted to nitric oxide, which relaxes the blood vessels. This reduces stress on the heart and improves circulation. L-arginine is the body’s major source for nitric oxide synthesis. Without nitric oxide, human life would not be possible. L-arginine also reduces blood viscosity. Scientific studies have shown that l-arginine significantly reduces blood pressure levels. L-arginine also enhances health in a number of other ways. It improves immune function, stimulates the release of human growth hormone (HGH), promotes healthy sexual function, may boost energy levels, helps to build muscle, and reduces adipose tissue body fat. ProArgi-9 Plus is a unique product with great taste, far-reaching health benefits, and powerful support for the cardiovascular system. With ProArgi-9 Plus, you’re giving your body the support necessary for a long, healthy life.

L-arginine, Citrulline,  Pomegranate, Red wine extract
Folic Acid, Vitamins B6, B12, K2 and D3, Ribose, Xylitol

– Mixed Berry is still hands down the Favorite flavor but if you prefer a less sweet taste you would want the Grape

Pro- Argi9+ Available now in Europe, Asia, Australia, North America (list of countries at bottom of post)

You can order a couple of ways.

Phone Synergy Worldwide – Toll Free.

1 (801) 769 – 7800

Customer Service Hours (Mountain Time)

Monday – Friday 8am – 8pm

Saturday 10am – 2pm

They will need your Reps ID# and name so my ID# is 1309426 and I am Deb St.Jean

You can also order on-line at  http://www.synergyworldwide.com/SetCountry.aspx

(Note Auto-ship 100 not available by ordering online)

Or you can e-mail me and we will arrange to connect.

Feel free E-mail me Deb St.Jean at allaboutwellness@mail.com for more info.

Pro- Argi9+ Available

North America
United States
US Español (US Spanish)

Österreich (Austria)
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